Combinatorial Test Sequence Set Reduction Approach for Railway Signaling Safety-Critical Software
摘要: 针对现有铁路信号系统安全关键软件t-路组合测试序列生成方法在处理大规模输入时产生冗余测试序列,导致测试执行成本较高的问题,提出了一种基于贪婪-粒子群混合优化算法的t-路组合测试序列集约简方法,用于降低序列集的执行成本. 首先,以执行成本最低为约简目标,建立针对t-路组合测试序列集约简的优化模型;然后,在保证测试序列集逻辑覆盖特性的基础上,采用贪婪-粒子群混合优化算法求解模型,计算约简后的测试序列集;最后,以ZPW-2000轨道电路接收器软件作为研究对象,以其生成的2-路组合测试序列集为例开展约简验证. 结果表明,所提方法在保证2-路组合覆盖和逻辑覆盖的前提下,对单个序列集的执行成本约简幅度最高达到98.33%,对序列集总的执行成本约简幅度达到36.10%,验证了所提方法的可行性和有效性.Abstract: When applying t-way combinatorial test sequence generation to a railway signaling system with large-scale inputs, test redundancy occurs, which causes high execution cost. Thus, a t-way combinatorial test sequence set reduction approach is proposed based on the greedy particle swarm optimization algorithm to reduce the cost. First, aiming at minimizing the test cost, an optimization model for t-way combinatorial test sequence set reduction is built. Then, on the basis of logic coverage of the test sequence sets, the greedy particle swarm algorithm is employed to solve the model and obtain the reduced test sequence sets. Finally, ZPW-2000 track circuit receiver software is used in a case study for the reduction of 2-way test sequence sets to validate the proposed approach. Results show that under the premise of 2-way coverage and logic coverage, the cost for a single test sequence set has decreased by up to 98.33% and the total cost for the test sequence sets has decreased by 36.10%, which indicates the feasibility and effectiveness of the approach.
表 1 举例SUT的2-路组合测试序列集
Table 1. 2-way test sequence sets of the example SUT
序列集 2-路组合测试序列 T1 τ1 = {12,21,31,42},τ2 = {11,21,32,41},
τ3 = {12,21,33,41},τ4 = {11,22,31,42},
τ5 = {12,22,32,41},τ6 = {11,22,33,42},
τ7 = {12,23,31,41},τ8 = {11,23,32,42},
τ9 = {12,23,33,42}T2 τ10 = {12,21,31,52,61},τ11 = {11,21,32,51,61},
τ12 = {12,21,33,51,61},τ13 = {11,22,31,52,61},
τ14 = {12,22,32,51,61},τ15 = {11,22,33,52,61},
τ16 = {12,23,31,51,61},τ17 = {11,23,32,52,61},
τ18 = {12,23,33,52,61}表 2 事件取值个数及其执行成本
Table 2. Domain size and cost of the input events
输入事件 执行成本/s 取值/个 有效信号1 3 9 有效信号2 3 9 有效信号3 3 9 频率无效 1 24 电压无效 1 20 2 s 内频率无效 1 24 2 s 内电压无效 1 20 频率-电压无效 2 24 电压-频率无效 2 20 表 3 测试路径与序列集
Table 3. Test paths and sequence sets
测试路径 路径长度 路径对应的序列集 序列/条 P1 3 T1 480 P2 6 T2 480 P3 5 T3 576 P4 3 T4 180 P5 1 T5 9 P6 5 T6 216 P7 9 T7 607 P8 3 T8 480 注:路径长度即对应测试路径包含的事件数. 表 4 序列集约简结果
Table 4. Result of test sequence set reduction
序列集 约简后的序列/条 执行成本/s 成本降幅/% 约简前 约简后 T1 240 2 880 1 440 50.00 T2 400 4 320 3 600 16.67 T3 242 6 336 2 662 57.98 T4 180 1 260 1 260 0.00 T5 1 27 3 88.89 T6 84 1 512 588 61.11 T7 592 7 891 7 696 2.47 T8 8 2 880 48 98.33 -
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