Energy Management Strategy of Hybrid Tram Based on Dynamic Degree of Hybrid
摘要: 为了提高混合储能式有轨电车的系统效率和运行经济性,基于动态混合度和系统效率之间的关系,提出了基于动态混合度在线凸规划的混合储能式有轨电车能量管理策略. 首先基于混合储能式有轨电车各系统参数,对各部件进行建模;其次采用在线凸规划法求解,得到了系统每一时刻的最优动态混合度;最后以有轨电车的典型工况为例,在RT-LAB实时仿真平台研究动态混合度对系统效率的影响. 研究结果表明动态混合度同系统效率之间存在凸函数关系:在相同参数条件下,基于动态混合度的在线凸规划能量管理策略较传统的功率跟随式能量管理策略系统瞬时效率最高提升9.6%;当完成整条线路运行,可节省电量2 886.2 kJ,运行经济性提升3.29%.Abstract: In order to improve system efficiency and operational economy of hybrid tram, according to the relationship between dynamic degree of hybrid (DDOH) and system efficiency, a hybrid tram energy management strategy (EMS) based on DDOH online convex programming is proposed. Firstly, each component is modeled based on system parameters of the hybrid tram. Secondly, the online convex programming method is used to solve the problem, and the real-time optimal DDOH data of the system is obtained. Finally, the effect of DDOH on system efficiency is observed by RT-LAB real-time simulation platform under typical tram conditions. The results show that the relationship between DDOH and system efficiency fits a convex curve. The instantaneous efficiency is improved by 9.6% when we use DDOH online convex programming energy management strategy, compared to the situation using traditional energy-followed energy management strategy with same parameters. For a complete running circle, the power can be saved by 2 886.2 kJ, and the operational economy can be improved by 3.29%.
Key words:
- hybrid tram /
- DDOH /
- system efficiency /
- operational economy
表 1 混合储能式有轨电车主要参数
Table 1. Parameters of hybrid energy storage tram
参数 取值 应用环境温度/℃ −25~42 母线电压/V 750 车辆编组 Mc-T-Mc 轴重/t 10.5 最高运行速度/(km•h−1) 70 最大坡度/‰ 5 列车长度/m 30.19 列车宽度/m 2.65 列车自重/t 51.06 列车载员/人 267 加速度/(m•s−2) 1.2 续驶里程/km 30 表 2 锂电池仿真参数
Table 2. Lithium-ion battery simulation parameters
参数 取值 额定电压/V 3.7 额定容量/(A•h) 10 串联数目/个 135 并联数目/个 15 初始SOC 0.85 表 3 超级电容仿真参数
Table 3. Supercapacitor simulation parameters
参数 取值 额定电压/V 2.7 额定电容量/F 7 500 串联数目/个 222 并联数目/个 15 初始SOC 0.85 -
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