Three-Dimensional High-Precision Laser Non-contact Detection of Asphalt Pavement Surface Texture
摘要: 为实现沥青路面纹理构造高精度自动检测,借助三维激光技术实现路面纹理三维重构,提出模拟铺砂的沥青路面构造深度测量方法. 首先采用高精度三维激光扫描仪获取雅康高速公路沥青路面0.1 mm精度三维高程数据,同时人工铺砂法获取对应区域的宏观构造深度值;其次通过数字图像处理技术实现重构沥青路面三维云图并进行数据噪声处理;最后设计四连通多种子组合填充算法,实现在滤波后的三维路面纹理云图上自动铺砂并获取路面纹理宏观构造深度值. 研究结果表明:模拟铺砂测量方法与人工铺砂法测量的平均构造深度(MTD,M)的平均绝对误差为0.052 mm,两者相关系数为0.96. 研究成果验证了用非接触式路面纹理测试替代现有的接触式路面摩擦性能测试的可行性,为道路交通安全网级监测与管理奠定基础.Abstract: In order to realize the high-precision automatic detection of asphalt pavement textures and the 3D reconstruction of pavement textures with the help of 3D laser technology, a method for measuring the depth of the asphalt pavement structure by simulating the sand patch test was proposed. First, a high-precision 3D laser scanner was used to obtain the 0.1 mm-precision 3D elevation data of asphalt pavement of Ya’an–Kangding expressway, and the artificial sand patch method was used to measure the macro-structure depth value in the same area. Second, the digital image processing technology was used to reconstruct the 3D cloud image of the asphalt pavement and perform data noise processing. Finally, a four-connected multi-seed combination filling algorithm was designed to automatically pave sand on the filtered 3D road texture cloud map and obtain the macro structure depth of road texture. The results show that the average absolute error between the mean texture depth (MTD) values measured by the simulation method and the artificial method is 0.052 mm, and the correlation coefficient between them is 0.96, which verifies the feasibility of replacing the existing contact road surface friction performance test with a non-contact road surface texture test, and can lay a foundation for network-level monitoring and management of road traffic safety.
表 1 M值的结果分析
Table 1. Comparative analysis of M values
误差/%r 天全段 70 0.055 4.6 0.95 泸定段 80 0.050 5.2 0.97 汇总/平均值 150 0.052 4.9 0.96 -
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