Dynamic Planning Method for Indoor-Fire Escape Path Based on Navigation Grid
摘要: 为了解决现有虚拟现实(virtual reality,VR)场景中室内火灾逃生路径规划静态、低效的问题,基于VR场景中的导航网格,提出了室内火灾真实感表达方法,构建了室内火灾VR场景;其次根据VR场景创建了初始导航网格,设计了导航网格动态生成算法,建立了室内火灾逃生路径动态规划方法;最后构建了原型系统,并选择某产业园展厅作为案例开展了实验分析. 实验结果表明:融合静态地理场景与动态火灾场景,能构建室内火灾VR场景;导航网格每次更新时间在10 ms内,逃生路径规划的每次更新时间平均为50 ms左右,可支持室内火灾逃生路径的动态规划.Abstract: Existing escape path planning methods for indoor fire in virtual reality (VR) have some deficiencies such as static planning and low efficiency. To solve the these problems, the dynamic planning of indoor-fire escape path was explored with the use of the navigation grid in VR scene. First, a photorealistic visualization method of indoor fire was proposed and a VR scene of indoor fire was constructed. Second, a construction algorithm of initial navigation was created and its dynamic generation algorithm was designed. Then the dynamic planning method for indoor-fire escape path was established. Finally, a prototype system was developed and the exhibition hall in an industrial park was selected for experimental analysis. The experimental results show that the static geographic scene and dynamic fire scene can be combined to construct an indoor-fire VR scene, and the proposed method can dynamically plan escape paths of indoor fire. The navigation grid can be updated within 10 m, and the average time of each escape path planning is about 50 ms.
Key words:
- indoor fire /
- virtual reality /
- navigation grid /
- escape path /
- dynamic planning
表 1 系统开发环境配置
Table 1. Configuration of system development environment
软件设备 环境配置 详细信息 硬件 CPU 2 × Intel Xeon E5-2760 (40核) 内存 64 GB 显卡显存 Quadro K5000图形显卡 3 GB VR设备 HTC VIVE 软件 系统 Windows 7 SP1 软件 U3D、SteamVR、VS 2017 表 2 展厅室内物体信息
Table 2. Information on indoor objects in the exhibition hall
物品名称 数量 区域类型 地板/块 4 可行走 盆景/个 5 不可行走 花瓶/个 3 不可行走 宣传栏/个 21 不可行走 柱子/个 8 不可行走 门/道 13 可行走 护栏/个 8 不可行走 应急门/道 5 紧急时可通行 椅子/个 62 不可行走 桌子/个 45 不可行走 宣传栏/个 16 不可行走 窗户/个 19 紧急时通行 楼梯/个 1 可行走 装饰物/个 3 不可行走 -
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