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王伟 张喜发 吕岩

王伟, 张喜发, 吕岩. 中俄原油管道地基土冻融及热学性质试验研究[J]. 西南交通大学学报, 2020, 55(4): 733-742. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20180801
引用本文: 王伟, 张喜发, 吕岩. 中俄原油管道地基土冻融及热学性质试验研究[J]. 西南交通大学学报, 2020, 55(4): 733-742. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20180801
WANG Wei, ZHANG Xifa, LÜ Yan. Experimental Study on Frost Heave, Thaw Settlement and Thermal Properties of Foundation Soils along China-Russia Crude Oil Pipeline[J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2020, 55(4): 733-742. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20180801
Citation: WANG Wei, ZHANG Xifa, LÜ Yan. Experimental Study on Frost Heave, Thaw Settlement and Thermal Properties of Foundation Soils along China-Russia Crude Oil Pipeline[J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2020, 55(4): 733-742. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20180801


doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20180801
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(41502272);吉林省教育厅“十三五”科研规划项目(JJKH20191243KJ)




  • 中图分类号: P642.14

Experimental Study on Frost Heave, Thaw Settlement and Thermal Properties of Foundation Soils along China-Russia Crude Oil Pipeline

  • 摘要: 中俄原油管道是我国能源战略通道之一,管道穿越大兴安岭多年冻土区,工程地质条件十分复杂,尤其是在伊勒呼里山附近,冻胀和融沉严重影响了管道的正常运营. 为了研究伊勒呼里山附近多年冻土的冻融性质与热学性质,对该区段内的冻土进行冻胀、融沉及导热系数试验,并对试验数据进行回归分析与影响因素分析. 研究结果表明:细粒土塑性指数小于10时,冻胀率不一定随初始含水量的增加而增加,在研究区域内进行管道垫层施工或挖填材料选择时应选用砂砾或碎石,并做好防排水措施;融沉系数随含水量的增加而增大,随干密度的增加而减小,其中粉土对融沉作用十分敏感,不适合作为管道地基,而细砾才是最佳的冻土地基;导热系数分别随总含水量和干密度的增大而增大,其中粗粒土的导热系数大于细粒土,而冻土的导热系数则比融土的高;当含水量小于10%时,融土的导热系数则高于冻土. 不同试验方法所得的结果也具有显著的差异,粗粒土扰动样的导热系数宜采用热流计法测量,细粒土扰动样的导热系数宜采用热线法测量,而原状样的导热系数宜采用比较法测量.


  • 图 1  开放系统冻胀试验原理

    Figure 1.  Picture of the open frost heaving test

    图 2  融沉试验仪器

    Figure 2.  Apparatus of thawing settlement test

    图 3  比较法试验原理

    Figure 3.  Principle picture of the comparison test

    图 4  各种土冻胀率与含水率关系散点图

    Figure 4.  Diagram of relationships between frost heave ratio and water content of soils

    图 5  各种土冻胀压力与含水率关系散点图

    Figure 5.  Diagram of relationships between frost compression and water content of soils

    图 6  融沉试验结果散点

    Figure 6.  Diagram of thawing settlement test results

    图 7  导热系数与含水率、干密度之间的关系

    Figure 7.  Relationships between thermal conductivities and water content and dry densities

    图 8  融沉系数与超塑含水率、含泥量的关系

    Figure 8.  Relationships between thawing settlement coefficient and super plastic water content and mud content

    图 9  粉质黏土导热系数试验结果分析

    Figure 9.  Analyze on results of thermal conductivities of silty clay

    图 10  粗粒土导热系数试验结果分析

    Figure 10.  Analyze on results of thermal conductivities of coarse grained soils

    表  1  冻胀试验土样物理力学性质指标

    Table  1.   Physical and mechanical indexes of test soils

    土样编号含水率 w/%干密度 γd/(g•cm−3塑性指数含泥量/%土样名称
    1# 10.0~25.0 1.5~1.7 10.0~13.0 粉质黏土(含砂砾)
    2# 20.0~25.0 1.4~1.6 13.0~15.0 粉质黏土
    3# 10.0~25.0 1.6~1.8 7.0~9.0 粉土(黏砂土)
    4# 4.0~12.0 1.7~1.8 2.0~5.0 中砂
    5# 6.0~11.0 1.7~1.8 10.0~15.0 细粒土质角砾
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    表  2  融沉试验土料基本物理力学指标

    Table  2.   The physical and mechanical indexes of test soils

    粉质黏土 10.0~65.0 0.8~1.8 10.0~27.0
    粉土 15.0~115.0 0.5~1.8 4.5~9.0
    砂土 10.0~115.0 0.2~2.0 2.0~40.0
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    表  3  试验土料基本物理力学指标

    Table  3.   The physical and mechanical indexes of soils

    粉质黏土 10.0~65.0 0.8~1.8 10.0~27.0
    18.0~26.0 1.3~2.0
    5.0~15.0 1.6~1.7 2.0~40.0
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    表  4  各种土料η-w线性回归分析

    Table  4.   Unary linear regression analysis on η-w of soils

    1# η = −1.882w + 51.856 0.516 18 F = 17.07 > F0.01(1,16) = 8.53 高度显著
    2# η = 0.804w – 13.998 0.944 6 F = 67.00 > F0.01(1,4) = 21.20 高度显著
    3# η = −1.780w + 39.877 0.446 21 F = 15.29 > F0.01(1,19) = 8.18 高度显著
    4# η = 0.171w − 0.187 0.382 10 F = 3.74 > F0.10(1,8) = 3.46 显著
    5# η = 1.798w – 4.522 0.570 8 F = 7.95 > F0.05(1,6) = 5.99 显著
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    表  5  试验土样回归方程汇总

    Table  5.   The regression equations of each soil

    粉质黏土 12.0~38.4 1.165~1.720 a0 = 0.296w − 3.377 18 0.620 F = 26.11 > F0.01(1,16) = 8.53 显著
    a0 = 0.565(wwp) − 0.965 23 0.666 F = 41.85 > F0.01(1,21) = 8.02 显著
    a0 = −20.161ln γd + 12.177 18 0.705 F = 38.31 > F0.01(1,16) = 8.53 显著
    粉土 11.6~66.9 0.570~1.880 a0 = 0.640w − 11.472 34 0.971 F = 519.06 > F0.01(1,32) = 7.56 高度显著
    a0 = −47.223ln γd + 23.164 34 0.930 F = 205.00 > F0.01(1,32) = 7.56 高度显著
    砂土 12.1~113.0 0.392~1.911 a0 = 0.434w + 0.461 20 0.625 F = 30.04 > F0.01(1,18) = 8.28 显著
    a0 = −33.030ln γd + 24.629 20 0.736 F = 50.28 > F0.01(1,18) = 8.28 显著
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    表  6  粉质黏土λ-w-γd回归方程汇总表

    Table  6.   Summary of the regression equation of λ-w-γd of the silty clay

    干密度范围/ (g•cm−3冻土回归方程融土回归方程显著性
    粉质黏土(2008 年) 15.0~35.0 1.4~1.7 λf = 2.408γd + 0.061w − 3.988
    R2 = 0.975,n = 20,
    F = 332.45 > F0.01(1,18) = 8.28)
    λu = 0.708γd + 0.020w − 0.633
    R2 = 0.914,n = 20,
    F = 90.39 > F0.01(1,18) = 8.28)
    粉质黏土(2010 年) 15.0~30.0 1.4~1.7 λf = 1.824γd + 0.061w − 2.550
    R2 = 0.955,n = 16,
    F = 137.73 > F0.01(1,14) = 8.86)
    λu = 1.113γd + 0.063w − 1.035
    R2 = 0.970,n = 16,
    F = 210.00 > F0.01(1,14) = 8.86)
    15.0~25.0 1.4~1.6 λf = 1.359γd + 0.039w − 1.642
    R2 = 0.751,n = 13,
    F = 15.08 > F0.01(1,11) = 9.65)
    λu = 1.153γd + 0.032w − 1.411
    R2 = 0.840,n = 8,
    F = 13.09 > F0.01(1,6) = 11.26)
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    表  7  粗粒土λ-w-γd回归方程汇总表

    Table  7.   Summary of the regression equation of λ-w-γd of the coarse grained soils

    土样名称含水率/%干密度/ (g•cm−3冻土回归方程融土回归方程显著性
    含细粒土砾石(2008年) 8.0~20.0 1.7~1.9 λf = 1.071γd + 0.071w − 0.999
    R2 = 0.857,n = 12,
    F = 27.07 > F0.01(1,10) = 10.04)
    λu = 1.584γd + 0.041w − 1.974
    R2 = 0.891,n = 12,
    F = 36.80 > F0.01(1,10) = 10.04)
    细粒土质砾石(本文) 5.0~15.0 1.6~1.7 λf = 0.548γd + 0.059w − 0.712
    R2 = 0.965,n = 5,
    F = 27.67 > F0.05(1,3) = 10.13)
    λu = −0.402γd + 0.062w + 0.853
    R2 = 0.986,n = 5,
    F = 69.81 > F0.05(1,3) = 10.13)
    细粒土质砂土(本文) 12.0~33.0 1.3~2.0 λf = 0.656γd + 0.008w + 0.871
    R2 = 0.882,n = 6,
    F = 11.19 > F0.05(1,4) = 7.71)
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