Suppression Solutions to Transient Traction Current Interference in Neutral Zone for Track Circuit
摘要: 电力机车及动车组经过含分相区的轨道区段时,暂态牵引电流中包含的谐波电流可能对轨道电路形成干扰并引发故障. 为保障轨道电路在谐波影响下可靠工作,对暂态电流干扰抑制方法进行了研究. 首先,按照欧标中加窗FFT (fast Fourier transformation)方法设计了谐波数据处理流程,给出现场测试数据分析结果,说明对轨道电路形成干扰的原因;然后,以信号载频1 700 Hz和谐波1 750 Hz为实例,从直接抑制谐波干扰的角度简要讨论了基于FPGA (field-programmable gate array)的FIR (finite impulse response)数字滤波器方案和仿真结果,并指出由于信号频带与谐波干扰非常接近,必然以较高阶数和处理延时作为代价;最后,基于谐波干扰的电流源特征和工程可行性,提出并重点阐述了轨道电路发送器和衰耗器的协同优化方案,通过合理配置发送器电平和衰耗器级数,在满足轨道电路调整、分路和机车信号状态的约束条件下,提高对谐波干扰的抑制效果,可将信号干扰比提高6 dB.Abstract: When an electric locomotive or an EMU (electric multiple unit) passes neutral zone in a track section, transient traction current is very likely to cause harmonic interference to track circuit, which may produce failure. To guarantee stable performance of track circuit under the influence of harmonic interference, the suppression methods of transient traction current are studied. Based on the European standards, the windowed FFT (fast Fourier transformation) method is adopted to design the procedure of harmonic data processing, and the analysis results of field test data are utilized to illustrate the interference mechanism for track circuit. Then, taking an example with a 1 700 Hz signal carrier and 1 750 Hz harmonic frequency, the solution and simulation results of FPGA (field-programmable gate array)-based FIR (finite impulse response) digital filter are briefly discussed from the point of direct suppression to harmonic interference. Due to the tiny difference between signal frequency and interference harmonic, the solution has to run at the cost of long response time and high order. Lastly, based on the current source feature of harmonic interference and project feasibility, the collaborative optimization scheme for the transmitter and attenuator of track circuit is proposed. Namely, by optimizing the transmitting level and attenuator step, the suppression to harmonic inference can be improved with an increase of 6 dB in signal-to-interference ratio while the operation states of track circuit are ensured including its clearance, occupancy and cab signaling.
表 1 暂态谐波电流及比例
Table 1. Transient harmonic current and its proportion
谐波频率/Hz 电流/A 比例/% 谐波频率/Hz 电流/A 比例/% 1 550 0.149 0.31 1 800 0.040 0.09 1 600 0.085 0.18 1 850 0.058 0.13 1 650 0.128 0.28 1 900 0.100 0.22 1 700 0.063 0.16 1 950 0.149 0.31 1 750 0.295 0.61 2 000 0.048 0.10 表 2 谐波1 750 Hz时测试数据
Table 2. Filed test data in the case of 1 750 Hz harmonic
序号 钢轨 1 电流/A 钢轨 2 电流/A 总电流/A 不平衡度/% 轨面电压/V 视入阻抗/Ω 1 0.425 0.347 0.772 10.01 0.090 1.159 2 0.426 0.347 0.773 10.12 0.048 0.611 3 0.386 0.309 0.695 11.12 0.102 1.313 4 0.463 0.386 0.849 9.09 0.157 2.032 5 0.579 0.463 1.043 11.12 0.143 1.231 表 3 数字滤波器衰减特性
Table 3. Attenuation characteristics of digital filter
项目 频率
/dB谐波 1 750 4.25 0.30 信号 1 671 2.05 1.28 18.93 1 700 3.05 2.50 21.29 1 729 2.08 1.52 20.30 表 4 某故障区段发送器电平等级表
Table 4. Transmission voltage levels used in a fault section
等级编号 1 2 3 4 5 电平/V 142.0 126.0 111.0 95.0 79.2 等级编号 6 7 8 9 电平/V 62.8 47.3 31.8 15.8 表 5 不同电平等级对应衰耗参数
Table 5. Attenuation values for different voltage levels
参数 电平等级 1 2 3 4 发送器电压/V 142 126 111 95 衰耗参数范围 116∶(25~50) 116∶(28~53) 116∶(31~56) 116∶(37~60) SIR/dB 17.84~17.98 16.95~17.10 16.03~16.18 14.93~15.08 SIR均值/dB 17.90 17.01 16.10 15.00 表 6 不同电平等级下优化组合仿真数据
Table 6. Simulation data of optimization strategy under different voltage levels
项目 参数 电平等级 1 1 4 5 参数取值 发送器电压/V 142 142 95 79.2 衰耗级数 116:25 116:50 116:37 116:43 轨面干扰电压/V 0.095 0.095 0.095 0.095 分路状态 接收信号残压/V 0.033 6 0.067 0 0.033 4 0.032 7 接收干扰残压/V 0.031 9 0.062 8 0.044 2 0.061 6 接收器残压/V 0.068 6 0.137 2 0.086 9 0.094 3 机车信号 短路电流/A 1.016 3 1.016 3 0.679 9 0.566 9 接收电压/V 0.797 1 0.797 1 0.533 3 0.444 6 衰减 干扰/dB 9.48 3.60 6.65 信号/dB −0.24 −6.23 −0.18 调整状态 接收信号电压/V 0.248 9 0.497 7 0.246 4 0.238 7 接收干扰电压/V 0.031 9 0.062 8 0.044 2 0.061 6 调整SIR/dB 17.84 17.98 14.93 11.76 -
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