• ISSN 0258-2724
  • CN 51-1277/U
  • EI Compendex
  • Scopus 收录
  • 全国中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技论文统计源期刊
  • 中国科学引文数据库来源期刊


黄辉 杨丹 陈科 贾彬

邱延峻, 王国龙, 阳恩慧, 余孝丽, 王郴平. 基于多特征检验的三维沥青路面裂缝检测[J]. 西南交通大学学报, 2020, 55(3): 518-524. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20180270
引用本文: 黄辉, 杨丹, 陈科, 贾彬. BFRP网格改良藏式毛石墙体受力性能试验研究[J]. 西南交通大学学报, 2020, 55(3): 643-649. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20180455
QIU Yanjun, WANG Guolong, YANG Enhui, YU Xiaoli, WANG Chenping. Crack Detection of 3D Asphalt Pavement Based on Multi-feature Test[J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2020, 55(3): 518-524. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20180270
Citation: HUANG Hui, YANG Dan, CHEN Ke, JIA Bin. Experiments on Mechanical Performance of Tibetan Rubble Stone Walls Retrofitted with BFRP Grids[J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2020, 55(3): 643-649. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20180455


doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20180455
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51908476,51568058);四川省科技计划资助(2018SZ0355)




  • 中图分类号: TU363

Experiments on Mechanical Performance of Tibetan Rubble Stone Walls Retrofitted with BFRP Grids

  • 摘要: 为研究玄武岩纤维复材 (basalt fiber reinforced polymer,BFRP) 网格改良藏式毛石墙体(简称毛石墙体)的受力性能,分别进行了4片毛石墙体的受压试验及低周水平往复加载试验. 重点研究竖向及水平往复荷载作用下BFRP网格改良毛石墙体的受力行为、破坏形态、承载能力、耗能性能、刚度退化规律等. 试验结果表明:竖向荷载下BFRP网格改良毛石墙体墙身裂缝发展较未改良毛石墙体缓慢,其平均极限抗压承载力是未改良毛石墙体的2.72倍,改良毛石墙体的最终破坏形态为BFRP网格受拉断裂后墙体面外失稳破坏;低周水平往复荷载作用下BFRP网格改良毛石墙体的耗能性能和抗剪承载力较未改良毛石墙体有显著提高,其平均峰值抗剪承载力提高幅度达74.3%;BFRP网格改良毛石墙体的最终破坏形态为斜向贯通裂缝处BFRP网格受拉断裂后墙体的剪切破坏.


  • 图 1  试件详图

    Figure 1.  Details of specimen

    图 2  低周往复加载试验装置示意

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of devices for specimens tested under low cyclic loading

    图 3  毛石墙体受压破坏形态

    Figure 3.  Failure mode of specimens tested under compressive load

    图 4  受压试件荷载-竖向位移曲线

    Figure 4.  Load-vertical displacement curves of specimens under compressive load

    图 5  低周往复荷载下毛石墙体典型破坏形态

    Figure 5.  Typical failure mode of specimens under low cyclic loading

    图 6  低周往复荷载下试件的滞回曲线

    Figure 6.  Hysteresis curves of specimens under low cyclic loading

    图 7  低周往复荷载下试件的骨架曲线

    Figure 7.  Skeleton curves of the specimens under low cyclic loading

    图 8  低周往复荷载下毛石墙体刚度退化曲线

    Figure 8.  Stiffness degradation curves of rubble stone walls tested under low cyclic loading

    图 9  低周往复荷载下毛石墙体耗能曲线

    Figure 9.  Energy dissipation curves of rubble stone walls tested under low cyclic loading

    表  1  试件编号及特征

    Table  1.   Numbering and features of tested specimens

    W-11 竖向受压
    W-21 低周水平往复荷载
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    表  2  试件各特征点对应的荷载及位移

    Table  2.   Load and displacement of each critical point

    W-21 6.9 2.6 8.0 6.8 11.5 12.8 8.9 21.4
    W-22 5.6 1.7 8.4 5.4 11.1 10.6 8.6 19.3
    平均值 6.2 2.1 8.2 6.1 11.3 11.7 8.7 20.4
    W-41 12.0 2.4 17.3 10.7 20.1 30.3 17.1 31.7
    W-42 12.1 2.9 16.1 8.7 19.2 31.3 16.3 33.1
    平均值 12.1 2.7 16.7 9.7 19.7 30.8 16.7 32.4
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    表  3  试件各特征点层间位移角和位移延性系数

    Table  3.   Interlaminar displacement angle and displacement ductility coefficient of each critical point

    W-21 1/574 1/220 1/117 1/138 1.60
    W-22 1/866 1/276 1/140 1/165 1.67
    W-41 1/614 1/139 1/49 1/58 2.39
    W-42 1/505 1/171 1/48 1/56 3.04
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  • 收稿日期:  2018-03-28
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  • 网络出版日期:  2020-04-20
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