Multi-objective Matching Optimization for Hybrid Fuel-Cell Power System in Trams
摘要: 有轨电车燃料电池混合动力系统配置对整车动力性能、系统效率及经济效益具有重要影响,但是目前缺乏有效的优化匹配方法. 基于有轨电车沿线动态工况下的牵引功率计算,提出了面向服役周期成本最低的燃料电池有轨电车混合动力系统匹配优化方法. 以混合动力系统整车服役周期成本最低、体积/重量最小为目标函数,以动力性能、直流母线电压、电源输出功率、功率/能量实时平衡、储能系统充放电倍率及其充放电深度和SOC (state of charge) 为约束条件,建立了多目标多约束配置优化模型. 采用多目标优化方法获取Pareto前沿,同时给出了体积/重量可接受、经济性最优的推荐方案确定方法. 仿真结果表明,多目标匹配优化方法配置的有轨电车燃料电池混合动力系统满足了所有设计指标,混合动力系统全寿命周期成本从7 000万元降为1 500万元.Abstract: The hybrid power system configuration in fuel-cell trams greatly affects the vehicle dynamic performance, system efficiency and economic benefit. However, there is a lack of effective configuration optimization methods. To meet the objective of minimizing the cost in a vehicle service cycle, an optimal configuration method for fuel-cell hybrid power system is proposed on the basis of the traction power calculation in the dynamic conditions of trams. The multi-objective and multi-constraint optimization model of the fuel-cell hybrid power system is established with the minimum volume/weight and the minimum vehicle service cycle cost. Meanwhile, the dynamic demand, bus voltage, power source output, real time electric power balance, rates and depths of charge and discharge, and SOC (state of charge) of energy storage system are all taken into consideration. A Pareto front is obtained by the proposed method, and the optimal solution with the minimum cost and the acceptable volume/weight is also recommended. Finally, the simulation results show that the optimal hybrid fuel-cell power system configured by the proposed method can meet the design requirements, and the service cycle cost of the hybrid power system is reduced from 70 million yuan to 15 million yuan.
Key words:
- tram /
- fuel cell /
- hybrid power system /
- service cycle cost /
- multi-objective optimization
表 1 混合动力机车主要设计参数
Table 1. Specifications of hybrid tram
参数 取值 车重/t 58 载客量/人 360 车轮半径/m 0.333 辅助功率/kW 40 最大速度/(km•h−1) 70 巡航速度/(km•h−1) 30 最大加速度/(m•s−2) 1.2 平均加速度(0~70 km/h)/ (m•s−2) 0.6 最大爬坡度/‰ 50 表 2 燃料电池主要参数
Table 2. Main parameters of fuel cells
参数 取值 总功率/kW 150 电压范围/V 465~750 最大电流/A 320 质量/kg 404 尺寸/mm 1 530/871/495 表 3 动力电池主要参数
Table 3. Main parameters of batteries
参数 取值 额定电压/V 2.4 额定容量/(A•h) 26 体积/m−3 6.40 × 10−4 功率单价/(元•W−1) 1.5 容量单价/(元•W−1•h−1) 1.0 维护单价/(× 10−5元•W−1•h−2) 5.0 循环寿命/次 20 000 表 4 超级电容主要参数
Table 4. Main parameters of supercapacitors
参数 取值 额定电压/V 48 额定容量/F 165 体积//m−3 0.014 5 功率单价/(元•W−1) 1.5 容量单价/(元•W−1•h−1) 27.0 维护单价/(× 10−5元•W−1•h−2) 5.0 循环寿命/次 500 000 表 5 燃料电池混合动力系统推荐方案
Table 5. Optimal configuration of fuel-cell hybrid system
燃料电池 动力电池 超级电容 150 kW 1 套 15 串 6 并 216 串 3 并 -
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