Texture Depth Measured Method of Pavement Based on Static and Dynamic Anti-Sliding Characteristics
摘要: 路面湿滑是诱发交通事故的重要因素,为了解决构造深度和摩擦系数分别从路面静态纹理和动态摩擦运动角度方面反映路面抗滑性时存在的不一致问题,基于激光视觉测量方法得到沥青路面点云数据,提出一种有效构造深度测量算法;首先利用B样条对点云数据进行断点插值,在研究轮胎和路面接触摩擦的几何结构和抗滑机理的基础上,修正路表凹陷点数据;采用断面法估算构造深度,并和摩擦系数测试仪所得的数据进行相关性分析. 研究结果表明:本算法得到的横向和纵向平均构造深度与摩擦系数的相关系数分别为0.896和0.887,优于铺砂法的0.504;该方法能通过静态的构造深度隐性地反映动态的摩擦系数,兼具激光视觉测量方法的高效率和摩擦系数刻画抗滑性能的客观性,达到效率和精度的统一.Abstract: The slippery surface of asphalt pavement is one of the leading major causes of traffic accidents. The mean texture depth (MTD) reflects the performance of skid resistance using a static texture of the pavement, while the friction coefficient reflects it through dynamic friction motion. Aimed to eliminate the difference between aforementioned two factors, a novel measurement method was proposed for effective texture depth. The point cloud data obtained by laser vision technology was studied. Firstly, B-spline was employed to interpolate the break-point of cloud data. Secondly, the concave points were removed according to the geometrical construction and anti-sliding mechanism of contact friction between the tire and road surface. Finally, the correlation between the MTD estimated by cross section method and data measured by the friction coefficient tester was analyzed. The results show that both the transverse and longitudinal MTD based on the proposed model could achieve stronger correlations with friction coefficient, compared with the traditional sand patch test. Their correlation values are 0.896 and 0.887, respectively, which are better than 0.504 of the sand patch test. The proposed method can implicitly reflect the dynamic friction coefficient through the static texture depth, and take full advantage of the high efficiency of the laser vision measurement and the objectivity of the friction coefficient, thereby achieve the desired balance of accuracy and efficiency.
Key words:
- asphalt pavement /
- laser vision /
- B-spline /
- friction coefficient /
- texture depth
表 1 摩擦系数对比
Table 1. Friction coefficient contrast
构造深度/mm 摩擦系数(无量纲) 拉毛 露石 刻槽 ≤ 0.7 0.97 0.95 0.55 (0.7,0.8] 0.99 0.97 0.64 (0.8,0.9] 0.98 0.88 0.56 (0.9,1.0] 1.07 0.82 0.62 表 2 MTD与MPD平均值
Table 2. Mean results of MTD and MPD
mm 试件编号 hMPD hMTD 1-1 0.616 9 0.659 0 1-2 0.631 4 0.608 6 1-3 0.429 1 0.525 9 1-4 0.459 1 0.555 1 1-5 0.660 5 0.622 6 1-6 0.856 3 0.903 4 1-7 0.869 5 0.859 2 1-8 0.917 2 0.935 3 1-9 0.898 5 0.865 6 1-10 0.852 3 0.889 9 表 3 传统算法和本文算法结果对比
Table 3. Comparative results between traditional algorithm and its algorithm
试件编号 铺砂法检测MTD/mm 本文算法检测/mm 摩擦系数 横向MPD 纵向MTD 2-1 0.715 6 0.693 5 0.652 8 0.89 2-2 0.651 2 0.705 1 0.651 2 0.91 2-3 0.745 9 0.543 3 0.505 2 0.85 2-4 0.652 1 0.535 3 0.605 8 0.87 2-5 0.722 7 0.691 2 0.655 6 0.92 2-6 0.869 7 0.885 0 0.831 4 0.94 2-7 0.952 4 0.895 6 0.895 6 0.96 -
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