Decoupling Operation Mode of Controllable Reactor of Transformer Type
摘要: 由于变压器式可控电抗器(controllable reactor of transformer type,CRT)各绕组之间存在电磁耦合,各控制绕组电流不能保持在其额定值,造成了绕组材料的浪费.为了解决该问题,基于多绕组工作模式的思想提出了解耦工作模式及其实现方案.首先,确定各绕组的额定电流后,根据解耦工作模式的特点,求出所需的限流电感;其次,根据各控制绕组额定电流将调节范围分级,在各级内对所有控制绕组电流进行离散;第三,基于CRT绕组电流计算的数学模型,对所有离散点逐点求解,得到使各控制绕组电流在达到其额定值后能保持恒定不变的触发角调节规律;最后,采用各控制绕组额定电流分别为9.16、11.59、24.52、51.85、109.64 A的CRT进行了仿真实验.结果表明,在解耦工作模式下,各控制绕组电流能保持在其额定值不变.Abstract: As there is an electromagnetic coupling between the windings of a controllable reactor of transformer type (CRT), the current passing through each control winding cannot be maintained at its rated value, causing a considerable waste of winding material. To solve this problem, a decoupling operation mode and its implementation scheme are presented, based on the idea of the multi-winding working mode. First, in accordance with the characteristics of the decoupling operation mode, the required current-limiting inductances are calculated, while the rated values of the winding current are given. Second, in accordance with the rated value of the current for each control winding, the regulating range is graded, and then the current of every control winding is discretized discretized in each grade. Third, based on the mathematical model for calculating the values of the winding current of a CRT, all discrete points are calculated step-by-step, and then the trigger angle regulating rule, which makes the control winding current constant after meeting the rated value, is obtained. Finally, a simulation experiment is conducted, by employing a CRT, for which the control windings rated values for the current are 9.16, 11.59, 24.52, 51.85 A, and 109.64 A respectively. The results show that the values of the control winding current are maintained at their rated values under the decoupling operation mode.
表 1 关键离散点处各控制绕组电流和工作绕组电流
Table 1. Control winding current and the working winding current at key points
A 电流 离散点 I1(0) I1(1) I1(2) I1(3) I1(4) I1(5) I2 0 9.16 9.16 9.16 9.16 9.16 I3 0 0 11.59 11.59 11.59 11.59 I4 0 0 0 24.52 24.52 24.52 I5 0 0 0 0 51.85 51.85 I6 0 0 0 0 0 109.64 I1 2.03 11.06 22.62 47.06 98.73 207.96 表 2 关键离散点处触发角和工作绕组电流
Table 2. Trigger angles and the working winding current at key points
(°) 触发角 离散点 I1(0) I1(1) I1(2) I1(3) I1(4) I1(5) α2 90.00 29.15 27.04 22.81 14.79 0 α3 90.00 90.00 28.30 23.82 15.41 0 α4 90.00 90.00 90.00 26.10 16.76 0 α5 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 18.98 0 α6 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 0 I1/A 2.03 11.06 22.62 47.06 98.73 207.96 -
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