Improvement in Definition of Joint Parameters in Discontinuous Deformation Analysis
摘要: 为提高非连续变形分析(discontinuous deformation analysis,DDA)方法程序中节理参数赋值的精度,在DDA原程序节理参数定义的基础上,提出了一种节理参数定义方式的改进方法.首先,根据节理的物理力学性质,对原DDA中节理参数定义存在的非一致性问题进行了分析;其次,由节理参数是由构成节理的两个结构面共同决定的特性,对程序中的节理参数进行了重新定义;最后,对DDA原程序中节理参数赋值部分进行了修改和补充,给出了相应的程序计算流程,并通过块体1和块体2的相对滑动算例对改进后的DDA程序进行了验证.研究结果表明:当块体1和块体2交换力学参数时,其间节理仍为同一性质节理;两种工况下,块体1的速度和位移保持一致,说明改进后的DDA程序能够很好地实现同一节理参数赋值的统一.Abstract: To improve the accuracy of value assignment for the joint parameters in the discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) program, an improved method for definition of the joint parameters was proposed based on the definition of the joint parameters in the DDA original program. First, according to the physical and mechanical properties of joints, the problem of inconsistency regarding the definition of the joint parameters in the original DDA was analysed. Second, because the joint attribute was determined by the two structural planes of a joint, the joint parameters in the program were redefined. Last, the code for parameter assignment was modified and complemented, and the process flowchart was provided. An example of the relative sliding of two blocks was studied to examine the improved DDA program. The results show that, when the mechanical parameters of blocks 1 and 2 are exchanged, the joints between the two blocks are still joints with the same nature. Under both conditions, the velocity and displacement of Block 1 remain the same. The results also indicate that the improved DDA program can achieve unity of the parameter assignment of the joints.
表 1 节理接触参数定义
Table 1. The definition of joint parameters
节理参数编号 J1 J2 J3 … Jm J1 J1 J12 J13 … J1m J2 J21 J2 J23 … J2m J3 J31 J32 J3 … J3m … Jm Jm1 Jm2 Jm3 … Jmm 表 2 块体力学参数
Table 2. The mechanical parameters of blocks
材料编号 重度γ/(kN·m-3) 弹性模量E/GPa 泊松比μ 重力加速度g/(m·s-2) R1 26 60 0.28 10 R2 25 50 0.28 10 表 3 界面力学参数
Table 3. The mechanical parameters of joints
节理编号 φa/(°) ca/MPa σta/MPa J1 45 0 0 J2 30 0 0 节理编号 φab/(°) cab/MPa σtab/MPa J12 35 0 0 -
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