Simulation on Survivability and Cascading Failure Propagation of Urban Subway-Bus Compound Network
摘要: 为研究城市公共交通复合网络的拓扑结构特性,在构建多方式、多层次拓扑网络的基础上,对以成都市为例的地铁-公交复合网络在袭击与拥堵下的有效性进行了分析.运用复杂网络理论,首先测度地铁-公交复合网络在不同袭击模式下的静态抗毁性,以评判复合网络中节点与连边的重要度;其后对突发性事故下地铁客流拥堵的传播扩散现象与级联失效过程进行仿真分析,通过对受阻客流在复合网络中传播性的分析,评判复合网络中地铁线路与沿线公交线路应急协调能力的匹配度.研究结果表明:在随机、蓄意两种袭击下,地铁-公交复合网络的最大连通度与网络效率的降幅与降速均低于地铁子网络与地面公交子网络,复合网络整体效能优于单一网络;基于有无容量限制下成都市8条地铁线路的拥堵失效仿真结果,能够评估其沿线既有公交线路的应急疏运能力,从而制定具有针对性的策略措施,以应对突发性事故下复合网络的过载情况.Abstract: To study the topological characteristics of urban public transit compound network, the validity of urban subway-bus compound network in Chengdu under attack&congestion was analyzed by constructing multimode topology network. Through the complex network theory, firstly, the static invulnerability of urban subway-bus compound network under different attack modes was tested to judge the importance degree of relevant nodes and lines. Then, the propagation of network overload and/or congestion, the cascading failure process under subway emergency were measured, so as to estimate the emergency coordinative performance of the ground public transportation system adjacent to metro lines. The results indicate that compound network has better overall efficiency than single network according to the lower decreasing amplitude and speed droop of the indices of network efficiency under random and intentional attack. In the opinion of the simulation results of cascading failure features of eight metro lines in Chengdu under the emergency episode with&without restrictive capacity, the emergency response capability of the bus lines system along the metro lines can be measured and judged effectively, in order to implementing pointed and efficient strategies&measures to handle the flow overload of the compound network arising from sudden accidents.
Key words:
- urban traffic /
- complex network /
- subway-bus compound network /
- survivability /
- cascading failure
表 1 非容量限制下与容量限制下的仿真实验结果
Table 1. Simulation results without&with restrictive capacity
线路序号 失效线路 非容量限制下仿真 容量限制下仿真 节点失效度 平均超负荷系数 连边失效数/条 节点失效度 平均超负荷系数 连边失效数/条 总流量
/(人·次)未分配流量/(人·次) 1 1号线 0.003 9 0.591 7 51 0.003 2 0.558 1 41 120 573 5 413 2 2号线 0.005 1 0.636 9 66 0.005 5 0.596 6 72 137 501 14 845 3 3号线 0.008 9 0.643 9 115 0.007 7 0.610 3 100 136 672 7 737 4 4号线 0.005 6 0.670 4 73 0.005 0 0.597 6 65 101 145 16 269 5 5号线 0.003 5 0.560 6 46 0.002 5 0.547 3 33 112 916 22 482 6 6号线 0.001 8 0.529 2 24 0.001 5 0.524 1 20 103 494 6 588 7 7号线 0.003 8 0.567 1 49 0.003 0 0.566 0 39 146 372 214 8 10号线 0.000 0 0.449 0 0 0.000 0 0.442 4 0 1 593 0 -
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