Analysis of Vibration Reduction and Vibration Measurement for Long-Span Railway Station Floor Slab
摘要: 针对高速列车过站引起的跨线站房车致振动问题,结合某运营客站跨线站房楼板在普速场重载货车正线通过时的车致振动,开展了振动实测,采用有限元方法构建了一致激励条件下的站房结构动力分析模型,开展了重载列车作用下的振动分析,采用1/3倍频程方法进行了振级评价,提出采用TMD (tuned mass damper)消能减振的方式抑制楼板的车致振动响应. 研究结果表明:当正线重载列车通过跨线站房时,楼盖在卓越振动频率(6.3 Hz)附近容易激发共振,且平均加速度振级超出规范容许值11.0~12.6 dB;设计了总质量比为0.1的调谐质量阻尼器后,加速度振级降幅达到13.0~17.0 dB,减振后的振动级水平基本达到标准限值.Abstract: To reduce the vibration of a cross-line station induced by long heavy trains and improve its comfort and safety, the vibration responses of a long-span elevated railway station waiting room floor slab were studied with measured data and finite element methods. The vibration level was evaluated by 1/3 octave method, and a method of suppressing the vibration of the floor slab via tuned mass damper (TMD) energy dissipation was proposed. The results show that the predominant frequency of floor vibration is in the vicinity of 6.3 Hz, and the average vibration response level due to vehicle acceleration exceeds the permissible value of 11.0–12.6 dB when a heavy long train passes through the cross-line beneath the waiting hall floor. After adding a mass damper with a mass ratio of 0.1 to each floor slab, the insertion loss of the vibration response level reached 13.0–17.0 dB, and the vibration level of the dampers were within the standard limit.
Key words:
- long-span floor slab /
- heavy long train /
- vibration comfort /
- TMD /
- vibration attenuation
表 1 加速度振级
Table 1. Vibration acceleration level
测点 工况1 工况2 工况3 B2 89.2 96.2 94.5 B3 91.2 93.4 94.3 B4 89.1 97.0 93.7 B7 92.4 96.7 95.5 B8 94.7 95.9 93.3 B9 89.6 95.3 95.6 均值 91.0 95.7 94.4 表 2 楼盖加速度振级均值对比
Table 2. Contrast of meanvibration acceleration level of floor
工况 减振前/dB 减振后/dB 降幅/dB 减振率/% 1 89.7 76.0 13.6 15.1 2 90.5 77.1 13.4 14.8 3 90.4 73.1 17.3 19.1 -
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