Action Mechanism of Coaching Technology in Life System from Perspective of System Theory
摘要: 为进一步探索和促进教练技术对于支持个体生命系统协调发展的作用与价值,支持生命系统的发展,运用了系统论的科学理念,从影响生命系统的核心要素出发,对教练技术基于个体生命系统的输入输出作用进行了详细的分析和研究. 首先解构了影响生命系统发展的4个核心要素,以及它们之间的相互作用和关系,然后从5个方面分析了教练技术分别对于这4个核心要素的输入作用及影响,以及由此对生命系统整体协调发展产生的有效输出效能. 研究结果表明:教练技术能够有效地促进思维模式的觉察与完善,支持情绪的觉察、感知和管理,促进行动力和生命能量状态的提升,迁善心智模式. 因此教练技术可以有效支持个体生命系统的整体协调发展,实现由内而外的成长和成功.Abstract: To further explore and promote the role and value of coaching technology in supporting the coordinated development of individual life system, and to further support the development of life system, this study applies the scientific concept of system theory and the overall perspective to analyze and research the coaching technique based on the input and output of individual life system, considering the influence of the core elements of life system. The study focuses on deconstructing the four core elements of the life system and the interaction and relationship between them. It also analyses the input function of these four core elements from five aspects and the effective output performance on the overall coordinated development of life system. After a thorough research, it is found that coaching technology can effectively promote the awareness of thinking mode and support emotional awareness and perception, as well as management. It can also effectively promote the power of action, while increasing energy state and improving mental models. Therefore, coaching technology can effectively support the whole coordinated development of the personal life system and help achieve growth and success from the inside out.
Key words:
- system theory /
- coaching technology /
- life system /
- coordinated development
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