Parallel Genetic Algorithm for SAT Problems Based on OpenMP
摘要: 为了提高SAT (boolean satisfiability) 问题求解效率,在OpenMP (open multi-processing) 编程框架下,将遗传算法与局部搜索算法结合,改进了混合遗传算法中的选择算法,将原有选择操作的时间复杂度降低到O(N)级别. 算法采用OpenMP中的编译制导语句#pragma omp parallel粗粒度并行化驱动混合遗传算法,采用#pragma omp single语句块实现了子种群间个体的同步迁移操作. 与同类算法HCGA (hybrid cloud genetic algorithm)比较分析表明:改进算法HGA (hybrid genetic algorithm)以及并行后的混合遗传算法CGPHGA (coarse-grained parallel hybrid genetic algorithm)在求解成功率和求解效率上都有显著提高,部分问题求解成功率提高达5倍.Abstract: To improve solving efficiency for SAT (boolean satisfiability) problems, a combination of genetic algorithm (GA) with local search algorithm (LSA) on the OpenMP (open multi-processing) framework was proposed. This combination improved the selection algorithm in the hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) and reduced the time complexity of the original selection operation to O(N). The compiler guide statement #pragma omp parallel in OpenMP was applied to coarse-grained parallelization driven HGA, and the #pragma omp single statement block was used to implement the synchronization migration operation of the individuals in different sub-groups. Compared with the similar algorithm, HCGA (hybrid cloud genetic algorithm), both the improved algorithm (HGA) and the coarse-grained parallel hybrid genetic algorithm (CGPHGA) significantly improved solution success rate and problem solving efficiency. Solution success rate for some problems was increased by 5 times.
Key words:
- SAT problem /
- OpenMP /
- parallel hybrid genetic algorithm /
- coarse-grained model
表 1 实验环境对比
Table 1. Experimental conditions
环境 操作系统 CPU 内存/GB 限时 本文 Win10 x64 i3-3240 4 200 s 对比 Win7 x64 i5-3470 4 23 h 表 2 改进混合遗传算法和并行遗传算法运行参数信息
Table 2. Parameters of HGA and CGPHGA
变元 子句 算法 种群大小 LSA步长 并行数 迁移间隔 迁移率 50 218 HGA 100 10 CGPHGA 25 10 4 8 0.10 75 325 HGA 100 10 CGPHGA 25 10 4 10 0.08 100 430 HGA 100 10 CGPHGA 50 10 4 8 0.10 125 538 HGA 150 15 CGPHGA 40 15 4 10 0.10 表 3 HCGA、HGA和CGPHGA平均时间对比
Table 3. Average time required by HCGA,HGA and CGPHGA
变元 子句 HCGA HGA平均
平均时间/s50 218 38.089 23.451 22.779 75 325 128.754 65.064 61.132 100 430 85 714.200 93.930 93.492 125 538 0 158.960 122.740 表 4 CGPHGA与其他并行算法对比情况
Table 4. Comparison of CGPHGA with the other parallel algorithms
变元 子句 PGSAT PDPLL CGPHGA S 平均时间/s S 平均时间/s S 平均时间/s 125 538 0.10 186.400 0.41 101.206 0.21 122.541 150 645 0.14 152.957 0.10 173.612 175 753 0.02 199.298 0.05 196.793 225 960 0.01 198.570 -
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