Wear Predication of Tunnel Boring Machine Cutters Based on In-situ Measured Data
摘要: 为了合理预测隧道掘进机(TBM)施工过程中地质条件、掘进参数及刀圈特性等多种因素对盘形滚刀刀圈磨损的影响,对TBM滚刀破岩机理和刀圈磨损机理进行了研究. 基于现场实测数据,如掘进推力、贯入度、磨损量、滚刀半径、滚刀安装半径、刀圈几何尺寸等,根据摩擦学理论,综合考虑各影响因素的相互作用,提出了刀圈综合磨损系数的概念,并建立了滚刀磨损预测模型,同时可对刀盘上各滚刀的有效掘进距离进行预测;将预测模型应用到兰州市水源地建设工程输水隧洞双护盾TBM施工中,同时与其他预测模型对比,验证了综合磨损系数预测模型的有效性. 研究结果表明:刀圈综合磨损系数随滚刀安装半径的增大而减小,随滚刀安装角度的增大而增大;综合磨损系数与其他模型磨损系数变化规律基本一致;基于综合磨损系数预测得到的有效掘进距离与实际掘进距离基本吻合,误差在10%以内,说明基于综合磨损系数建立的TBM滚刀预测模型是可靠的.Abstract: To reasonably predict the influence of geological conditions, tunneling parameters, and cutter ring characteristics on the wear of disc cutter rings during tunnel boring machine (TBM) construction, the rock breaking mechanism and cutter ring wear mechanism were studied. The concept of comprehensive wear coefficient was put forward according to tribology theory by considering the in-situ measured data such as tunneling thrust, penetration, wear rate, disc cutter radius, disc cutter installation radius, and disc cutter ring sizes. The wear prediction model of disc cutter ring was finally established with consideration of the interaction of various factors, such wear prediction model of disc cutter ring can predict the effective tunneling length of every disc cutters. The wear prediction model was applied in the hard rock tunneling of water conveyance tunnel by double shield TBM in Lanzhou water source construction project, and its validity was also verified by comparing with other prediction models. The results show that the comprehensive wear coefficient decrease with the installation radius of disc cutters increasing and increases with the disc cutter installation angle increasing. The comprehensive wear coefficient has the similar rule as that of other comparing models. The predicted effective tunneling length is consistent with the actual tunneling length with error of less than 10%, which illustrates that the disc cutter wear prediction model based on comprehensive wear coefficient is reliable.
Key words:
- tunnel boring machine (TBM) /
- measured data /
- cutter /
- wear /
- prediction /
- comprehensive wear coefficient
表 1 TBM1施工段各刀位实测参数
Table 1. Parameters and comprehensive wear coefficients of various disc cutters in TBM1 section
滚刀号 R1/mm Fn/kN P/mm L1/m L/m R/mm T/mm α/(°) x/mm Kc/(mm3•J−1) 1# 42.7 22.0 4.7 744.0 42 448.5 216.0 19.0 10 12.0 0.368 0 2# 126.7 21.4 6.2 744.0 95 481.1 216.0 19.0 10 20.0 0.299 1 3# 210.7 21.2 6.0 744.0 164 076.3 216.0 19.0 10 25.0 0.228 2 4# 294.7 21.5 5.8 744.0 237 402.2 216.0 19.0 10 25.0 0.155 5 5# 378.7 21.6 6.2 744.0 285 388.3 216.0 19.0 10 25.0 0.128 8 6# 462.7 21.5 6.1 744.0 354 407.0 216.0 19.0 10 25.0 0.104 2 7# 548.7 21.5 6.2 1 119.0 621 917.8 241.5 19.0 10 30 0.082 6 8# 634.7 21.3 6.1 1 035.0 676 298.9 241.5 19.0 10 30 0.076 7 9# 720.7 21.5 6.3 966.0 693 986.1 241.5 19.0 10 30 0.074 1 10# 806.7 21.5 6.4 910.0 720 332.7 241.5 19.0 10 30 0.071 4 11# 892.7 21.0 6.4 872.0 763 838.8 241.5 19.0 10 30 0.068 9 12# 978.7 21.5 6.6 837.0 779 454.5 241.5 19.0 10 30 0.065 9 13# 1 064.7 20.8 6.2 798.0 860 593.6 241.5 19.0 10 30 0.061 7 14# 1 150.7 21.5 6.3 755.0 866 020.5 241.5 19.0 10 30 0.059 3 15# 1 236.7 21.0 6.2 704.0 881 870.8 241.5 19.0 10 30 0.059 7 16# 1 322.7 21.5 6.1 663.0 902 827.3 241.5 19.0 10 30 0.056 9 17# 1 408.7 21.2 6.2 599.0 854 699.2 241.5 19.0 10 28 0.056 1 18# 1 494.7 21.5 6.4 553.0 811 070.9 241.5 19.0 10 27 0.055 8 19# 1 580.7 22.3 5.6 469.0 831 369.2 241.5 19.0 10 28 0.054 8 20# 1 666.7 22.5 5.8 455.0 821 108.4 241.5 19.0 10 27 0.052 7 21# 1 752.7 21.5 6.0 430.0 788 831.8 241.5 19.0 10 25 0.052 3 22# 1 845.7 21.5 6.2 412.0 770 240.4 241.5 19.0 10 24 0.051 1 23# 1 972.7 21.5 6.0 399.0 823 839.0 241.5 19.0 10 25 0.050 1 24# 2 001.7 21.5 6.2 373.0 756 268.1 241.5 19.0 10 23 0.049 5 25# 2 084.7 22.3 5.9 346.0 767 763.2 241.5 19.0 10 24 0.049 4 26# 2 167.7 21.5 6.2 304.0 667 483.8 241.5 19.0 10 20 0.047 6 27# 2 250.7 22.0 6.2 259.0 590 453.0 241.5 19.0 10 18 0.046 6 28# 2 327.7 21.5 6.3 195.0 452 460.5 241.5 19.0 10 22 0.078 5 29# 2 404.2 21.7 6.4 178.0 419 923.6 241.5 19.0 10 22 0.083 8 30# 2 478.4 21.9 6.5 168.0 402 278.6 241.5 19.0 10 23 0.091 3 31# 2 545.0 21.5 6.2 166.0 427 921.2 241.5 19.0 10 25 0.096 5 32# 2 603.0 21.5 6.2 155.0 408 671.0 241.5 19.0 10 25 0.101 0 33# 2 651.0 20.4 6.6 123.0 310 263.4 241.5 19.0 10 20 0.107 9 34# 2 688.2 20.1 6.5 121.0 314 263.0 241.5 19.0 10 21 0.114 5 35# 2 714.8 19.9 6.7 116.0 295 175.7 241.5 19.0 10 20 0.116 3 36# 2 731.9 19.6 6.8 66.0 166 517.3 241.5 19.0 10 13 0.128 6 37# 2 740.0 19.5 6.8 65.0 164 480.6 241.5 19.0 10 14 0.142 1 表 2 预测掘进距离与实际掘进距离对比
Table 2. Comparison between predicated tunneling lengths and actual tunneling lengths
滚刀号 综合磨损系数 刀圈磨损量/mm 预测有效掘进距离/m 实际掘进距离/m 误差/% 4# 0.155 5 24.0 730.6 701.3 4.2 8# 0.076 7 28.0 901.2 984.4 8.5 13# 0.061 7 29.0 711.6 650.4 9.4 19# 0.054 8 29.0 596.7 624.2 4.4 23# 0.050 1 25.0 397.9 411.4 3.3 28# 0.078 5 23.0 195.8 185.3 5.7 32# 0.101 0 25.0 145.5 140.4 3.6 -
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