High-Speed Ballasted Railway Track Lateral Resistance Characteristics and Reinforcements
摘要: 高速铁路有砟道床存在发生飞砟的可能性,且飞砟概率随着砟肩堆高增加而增加,因此部分国家降低砟肩堆高,甚至采用平肩结构,但随之会引起道床阻力降低. 通过研究砟肩堆高对道床阻力的影响,同时在此基础上,提出了聚氨酯局部固化方案,包含枕心固化和枕端固化,均在增加平肩式道床横向阻力的同时不影响捣固维修作业. 道床横向阻力试验结果表明:与砟肩堆高150 mm相比,采用平肩式道床横向阻力降低30%;喷涂200 mm和300 mm聚氨酯的情况下,采用枕端固化的道床横向阻力分别可提高阻力约41%、60%,枕心固化可分别提高约31%、40%,综合固化(枕心和枕端固化同时采用)可提高阻力约70%、100%.Abstract: Ballast flight commonly occurs in high speed ballasted railway tracks, and the probability of ballast flight increases with the decrease of shoulder height; thus, reduced shoulder heights or flat shoulders are used in some countries, which result in lateral resistance reduction. The influence of shoulder height on lateral resistance was analysed in this study. Further, two polyurethane reinforcement methods were proposed, including crib-ballast reinforcement and shoulder reinforcement, which increased the lateral resistances of flat shoulder ballasted tracks and met the demands of tamping. A series of in-situ lateral resistance tests were carried out in this research. The results show that compared to a shoulder height of 150 mm, a 30% reduction in lateral resistance occurs in flat shoulders. For polyurethane spraying depths of 200 mm and 300 mm, the corresponding changes observed were 31% and 41% increase in crib-ballast reinforcement, 41% and 60% increase in shoulder reinforcement, and 70% and 100% increase in synthetic reinforcement (both crib-ballast and shoulder).
Key words:
- shoulder ballast /
- lateral resistance /
- ballast flight /
- polyurethane
表 1 聚氨酯参数
Table 1. Parameters of polyurethane
参数 数值 密度/(g•cm–3) 1.13 拉伸强度/MPa 14.2 断裂伸长率/% 20 撕裂强度/(N•mm–1) 60 硬度(邵D) 46 表 2 试验工况
Table 2. Testing condition
工况 砟肩堆高
/mm1 150 0 2 0 – 40 3 0 – 40 枕端固化 200 4 0 – 40 枕端固化 300 5 0 – 40 枕心固化 200 6 0 – 40 枕心固化 300 7 0 – 40 综合固化 200 8 0 – 40 综合固化 300 表 3 聚氨酯用量
Table 3. Quantity of polyurethane
固化方式 粘结深度/mm 聚氨酯用量/kg 枕端固化 200 0.26 300 0.82 枕心固化 200 0.10 300 0.32 综合固化 200 0.36 300 1.14 -
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