Research on Similar Materials for Physical Model Tests of Rock Slopes
摘要: 岩质边坡物理模型试验中相似材料的选取与制作,通常只是考虑密度、粘聚力、内摩擦角和弹性模量参数在数值上的相似关系,并未考虑相似材料是否能够再现复杂应力条件下岩石的强度和变形特性. 为了解决这一问题,通过统计分析汶川地震所诱发滑坡的地层岩性,选取其中常见的石英岩和砂岩作为沉积岩原型;确定相似材料制备的主要控制指标以及试样成型方法,并分别采用两种常用的地质模型相似材料制备方法,在实验室制备其三轴压缩试验标准试样;开展两种相似材料标准试样的三轴压缩试验,研究其在不同围压条件下的应力应变特性与破坏模式. 试验结果表明:不同围压条件下,实验室制备的两种相似材料标准试样在剪切破坏之前的应力应变曲线变化规律同实际的岩石原型相符,表现为线弹性关系;相似材料标准试样所受围压与其单轴抗压强度的比值不同的情况下,试样剪切破坏时所受偏应力与其单轴抗压强度的比值与实际岩石原型三轴试验中的比值相近,但相似材料试样的破坏应变均小于实际岩石原型的破坏应变.Abstract: In the selection and manufacture of similar materials for physical model tests of rock slopes, only the similarities in the magnitudes of density, cohesion, internal friction angle and elastic modulus were generally taken into consideration. The ability of the obtained similar materials to reproduce the strength and deformation behaviors of rock masses under complicated stress conditions was typically not considered. First, limestone and sandstone were herein selected as sedimentary rock prototypes, according to the stratigraphy of Wenchuan earthquake-induced landslides. After the primary control indexes and manufacturing process were determined, two common configuration methods for similar materials in geological models were used to manufacture the standard samples for triaxial compression tests. Finally, static triaxial compression tests of the standard samples were conducted to study the stress-strain behaviors and failure modes of two similar materials under various confining pressures. The experimental results indicated that, before the shear failure of standard samples, the stress-strain curves of two similar materials were observed to have a linear elastic relationship under the different confining pressures, and were in accordance with those of the actual rocks. When shear failure of standard samples occurred under different ratios of confining pressure to uniaxial compression strength, the ratios of the deviatoric stresses acting on the samples to the corresponding uniaxial compression strengths were close to those of the actual rocks, whereas the failure strains of similar materials were less than those of the actual rocks.
表 1 汶川地震大型滑坡的地层岩性统计
Table 1. Stratigraphy of Wenchuan earthquake-induced large-scale landslides
地震滑坡名称 滑坡区域主要地层岩性 安县大光包滑坡 白云岩、灰岩、页岩、砂岩 安县罐滩滑坡 砂岩、灰岩、白云岩、页岩 安县老鹰岩滑坡 白云质灰岩 北川县唐家山滑坡 砂岩、泥岩、硅质岩 北川县王家岩滑坡 砂岩、粉砂岩、砂质页岩 北川县北川中学新区滑坡 粉砂岩、灰岩 北川县鼓儿山滑坡 粉砂岩、千枚岩、灰岩、硅质岩 青川县东河口滑坡 砂岩、灰岩、白云岩、千枚岩 青川县窝前滑坡 白云岩、硅酸盐岩、泥质岩 青川县石板沟滑坡 灰岩、白云岩、千枚岩 青川县大岩壳滑坡 白云岩、板岩 青川县董家滑坡 板岩 汶川县牛眠沟滑坡 花岗岩、砂岩、泥质板岩 绵竹市文家沟滑坡 灰岩、石英粉砂岩、页岩 彭州市谢家店子滑坡 斜长岩、火山岩、页岩、砂岩 平武县平溪村滑坡 灰岩 平武县郑家山滑坡 硅质板岩 映秀—卧龙公路K24滑坡 千枚岩、石英岩、灰岩 表 2 相似材料组成及质量配比
Table 2. Composition and mass mixing ratio of similar materials
编号 相似材料组成及配比(质量百分比/%) 材料-1 重晶石粉(30)∶石英砂(57)∶石膏(5)∶
甘油(3)∶水(5)材料-2 铁粉(40)∶重晶石粉(40)∶石英砂(14)∶
2%浓度松香酒精溶液(6)表 3 相似材料主要物理力学参数
Table 3. Physical and mechanical parameters of the similar materials
编号 ρ/(g•cm-3) c/MPa ϕ/(°) 材料-1 2.06 0.205 38 材料-2 2.52 0.147 42 -
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