Simulated Determination of Accuracy Requirement for Control Points Ⅲ Intersection Networks in High-Speed Railway
摘要: 为合理布设CPⅢ网的测量网形,确定CPⅢ网中观测值的必要精度,结合CPⅢ网的标准和改进测量网形,采用边角网间接平差的严密精度估算方法,对CPⅢ网的相对点位精度进行仿真计算,并据此确定了CPⅢ网中观测值的必要测量精度:方向测量精度≤±1,″距离测量精度≤±(1+1×10-6)mm.研究结果对高速铁路测量规范的修订和在建高速铁路CPⅢ网的测量具有重要参考价值.Abstract: To meet the accuracy requirement of relative positioning,it is necessary to perform the further investigation on the form of CPⅢ(control points Ⅲ) control networks and the precision evaluation of observations from field surveying.By combining the standard with the improved forms of CPⅢ control networks,a rigorous method for accuracy estimation based on the parameter adjustment of side-angle measurement network was proposed.A simulated test was performed to investigate the relative accuracy between points,and the necessary precision assessment for field observations was further discussed.The research result shows that the azimuth measurement accuracy of less than ±1″ and the distance measurement accuracy of less than ±(1+1×10-6) mm in a high-speed railway system are respectively required.The research provides a reference for the revision of the present measurement specification for high-speed roadway and the selection of surveying methods for ballastless track.
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