Vehicle-Bridge Coupling Vibration Analysis of PC Rail Beam of Straddle-Type Monorail Transportation
摘要: 为探讨跨座式单轨交通车桥系统的动力响应,采用线性化轮胎模型建立了15个自由度的跨座式单轨车辆动力学模型.模型考虑了走行轮、导向轮和稳定轮的径向刚度与侧偏效应,并考虑了走行轮的纵向滑转特性.以重庆市跨座式单轨交通典型区段的PC(预应力混凝土)轨道梁为对象,采用自编程序对跨座式单轨车辆过桥时的车桥耦合振动进行了分析,并通过计算与实测结果的对比分析对所建立的理论模型和编制的程序进行了验证.Abstract: In order to discuss the dynamic responses of a straddle-type monorail transportation system,a dynamic model for a monorail vehicle with 15 DOFs(degrees of freedom) was established by employing the linear tire model.The radial rigidities,side-leaning effects and longitudinal slide-turning characteristics of running,steering and stabilizing tires are taken into account in this model.Dynamic responses of a PC(prestressed concrete) rail beam in a typical section of the straddle-type monorail transportation system in Chongqing City were calculated by using a self-compiled program and compared with field test results to show the correctness of the established dynamic model and the self-compiled program.
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