Experimental Research on Bearing Behavior of New-to-Old Concrete Interface in Arch Bridge Strengthening
摘要: 结合工程实例,制作了2个拱圈试件,通过一次性加载破坏试验,对试件的破坏特征、新老混凝土结合面的工作性能及应力、应变分布进行了研究.试验结果表明:受荷初期,结合面的抗剪主要由无植筋时新老混凝土的粘结承担;当剪应力达到新老混凝土粘结抗剪强度后,主要由植筋承担.在裂缝附近区域、靠近裂缝和远离裂缝的非裂缝区域,结合面的粘结剪应力分布不同,主要区别在纵向钢筋开始屈服到试件破坏阶段.在此阶段,裂缝附近区域结合面的粘结剪应力随荷载增大线性减小,在靠近裂缝的非裂缝区域基本不变,而在远离裂缝的非裂缝区域线性增大,直至试件破坏.粘结剪应力最大值出现在拱顶裂缝附近.Abstract: Two models of arch ring were made to research the bearing behaviors of new-to-old concrete interface in arch bridge strengthening.Destructive experiments were carried out on the two models to investigate their failure characteristics and service behaviors and the distributions of stress and strain on new-to-old concrete interface.The experimental result shows that the shear-bearing capacity of the interface is given by the bond of new and old concrete without embedded steel bars at the early stage of loading.When shear stress increases to the bond shear strength of new and old concrete,the shear-bearing capacity of the interface is mainly given by embedded steel bars.The distribution of bond shear stress on the interface is different in different regions at the stage from yielding of longitudinal reinforcement to the failure of specimens.At the stage,the bond shear stress decreases linearly in the region near cradks,does not change in the region away from cracks and increases linearly in the region away far from cracks.
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