Lessons Learnt from Damage of Highway Tunnels in Wenchuan Earthquake
摘要: 在对都汶(都江堰—汶川)公路高速路段18座隧道进行震害调查的基础上,系统描述了隧道的各种震害形式,分析了震害产生的原因,并对隧道震后修复原则提出了相应的建议.震害表明:地震引起隧道破坏的外因,除地震动外,还有坡面失稳和断层错动引起的灾害.研究结果可供隧道抗震设计、灾后恢复重建和有关规范的修订参考.Abstract: Based on the field investigation of 18 tunnels along Dujiangyan-Wenchuan highway,the damage patterns of highway tunnels were systematically described,the damage mechanisms were analyzed,and some proposals were put forward for the future rehabilitation of the tunnels damaged by the Wenchuan earthquake. The research results show that the damage degree of the tunnels is associated not only with ground shaking,but also with geological disasters induced by slope instability and fault displacement. The research provides a reference for the seismic design of tunnels,the reconstruction of the disaster areas in the earthquake and the revision of corresponding codes and regulations.
Key words:
- Wenchuan earthquake /
- highway tunnel /
- tunnel damage /
- damage mechanism
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