Comparison of Dynamic Performances of Several Pantograph/Catenary Systems for High-Speed Railway
摘要: 为探讨高速受电弓与接触网之间的相互作用,选取DSA250和DSA380高速受电弓与不同速度等级的2种简单链型悬挂和2种弹性链型悬挂接触网系统相匹配,采用有限元法,建立了三维接触网模型和质量-阻尼-刚度受电弓模型.根据受电弓/接触网系统的相关系列标准,考虑受流质量和运行安全性,对不同系统的弓网动态性能进行了评价和比较.研究表明:在200~250km/h速度区间,适合采用设有预弛度的简单链型悬挂接触网,也可考虑采用弹性链型悬挂方式;300km/h以上时,宜采用不设预弛度的弹性链型悬挂.Abstract: In order to investigate the interaction between high-speed pantographs and catenaries,two catenary systems without stitch wire and two systems with stitch wire along with the DSA250 and DSA380 high-speed pantographs were chosen at different speed grades. The FEA (finite element analysis) method was employed to build a 3-D model for the catenary system and a mass-damper-spring model for the pantograph. Based on the series of European standards about the pantograph/catenary system and considering current collection quality and safety,the evaluation and comparison of dynamic performances of the four different pantograph/catenary systems were carried out. The research shows that the catenary system without stitch wire is recommended when the speed is between 200 to 250 km/h and the pre-sag should be set in the catenary system. The catenary system with stitch wire can also be considered within the speed interval. When the speed is above 300 km/h,the catenary system with stitch wire should be adopted and the pre-sag should not be set in the catenary system.
Key words:
- high-speed railway /
- pantograph/catenary simulation /
- current collection quality /
- safety
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