In-situ Test on Engineering Application of New Thermal-Insulation Materials in Qinghai-Tibet Railway Subgrade
摘要: 为考察聚苯乙烯泡沫板(EPS)和聚氨酯泡沫板(PU)的工程应用效果,在青藏铁路多年冻土路基试验段进行了现场测试.结果表明,2种新型保温材料均具有较好的保温隔热性能,且PU板优于EPS板,保温性能与板厚之间存在非线性关系.较之对比断面,有保温板的断面基底年平均地温降低,上限抬升,有利于保护多年冻土.动态行车试验表明,保温板路基满足列车以100 km/h的速度运行的安全性与舒适性要求.Abstract: In order to investigate the engineering effect of expanded polystyrene(EPS) and expanded polyurethane(PU),an in-situ test was performed for permafrost subgrade on the Qinghai-Tibet railway.The results indicate that both the materials have a good thermal-insulation property,and the PU is better than the EPS.The relationship between thermal-insulation capability and material thickness is nonlinear.Compared with the non-insulation sections,the annual ground temperature of the thermal-insulation embankment is decreased,the permafrost table is raised,and so the permafrost is protected well.A dynamic test shows that the thermal-insulation subgrade can satisfy the needs of running security and comfort of trains at a speed of 100 km/h.
Key words:
- Qinghai-Tibet railway /
- thermal-insulation material /
- permafrost /
- subgrade
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