Application of Vehicle-Track Coupling Dynamics to Study on Settlement of Railway Tracks
摘要: 将车辆-轨道耦合振动模型和轨道累积下沉计算模型相结合,以轨道结构动力学响应参量和轨面高低不平顺状态变化作为两者间的联结纽带,从车辆-轨道耦合动力学角度研究了轨道的下沉变形特性.研究结果表明,随着轨道动荷载重复作用次数的增加,轨道下沉量逐渐累积;轨面初始不平顺对轨道下沉变化影响较大;受轨道累积下沉的影响,轮轨力、轨道结构响应加大.Abstract: Dynamic characteristic of track settlement was investigated by combining the vehicle-track coupling vibration model and the track settlement model,and the dynamic response parameters of track structure and the irregularity in the vertical profiles of track were taken as a connection between the two models.The results of investigation show that,track settlement accumulates gradually with an increase in action times of dynamic loads on tracks,the initial track irregularity has a strong impact on track settlement,and the wheel-rail forces and track responses increase with the increase in accumulated settlements.
Key words:
- vehicle /
- track /
- dynamics /
- accumulated deformation /
- settlement /
- irregularity
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