Accurate Nonlinear Analysis of Tower and Cable in Construction of Main Cable for Suspension Bridge
摘要: 为精确分析悬索桥主缆的成缆过程,基于悬索桥多跨悬链线空缆线形计算原理,分析了主缆索股架设过程中塔的受力与索股线形的变化规律.将索塔对主索鞍的作用等效成非线性弹簧,其刚度计入索塔的梁柱效应,导出了索塔的非线性抗推刚度和塔底截面弯矩的计算公式;根据悬索桥主缆索股架设方法,以空缆状态为基础,计算并分析了一座主跨1280 m的悬索桥索股架设过程中主索鞍处主缆的不平衡力、塔顶水平位移和塔底截面弯矩随索股架设的变化规律.研究表明,索股架设过程中,梁柱效应较小.Abstract: To analyze the deformation og main cable of a suspension bridge accurately,changes in the deformation of main cable shape and force action on tower in the construction were analyzed based on the principle of multi-span catenary of main cable.Action of tower on cable saddle was simulated as a nonlinear spring with a beam-column effect considered in calculation of tower stiffness.Two formulas were derived both for nonlinear thrusting rigidity and moment of tower bottom.Based on the free state of main cable,the construction of cable strands for a suspension bridge with a main span of 1 280 m was researched,and unequilibrium force acting on tower by cable,horizontal displacement of tower top,and moment of tower bottom were calculated and analyzed.The research results indicate that the effect of beam-column is little during the construction.
Key words:
- bridge engineering /
- suspension bridge /
- cable strand /
- catenary /
- equivalent rigidity
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