Comprehensive Route-Mode Sharing Model for Intersectional Passenger Traffic
摘要: 针对区外旅客的出行特点和各运输方式的适应性,对传统区外交通方式的划分和路径分配模型进行了分析.从区外旅客出行的效应出发,提出了区外旅客分担率的“路径-方式”综合处理方法,建立了区外旅客的“路径-方式”综合分担模型.分析和标定了模型的相关参数及各运输方式的时间、费用评价值.该模型的适用条件是:OD对间各种运输方式的时耗差与市内各点至城市进出口的时耗差相差不太大(约1~3倍)且小汽车已普及并成为主要交通出行工具.最后,用沪杭地区的实例验证了模型的可行性.Abstract: From the trip characteristics of intersectional traffic and the adaptability of transportation modes,the mode compartmentalization and the route assignment model of traditional intersectional traffic were analyzed.On the basis of analyzing the passengers’ profit of intersectional trip,the comprehensive "route-mode" disposal measure of intersectional passenger sharing rate was proposed,and a comprehensive "route-mode" sharing model was established to intersectional passenger transportation.The correlative parameter in this model,the time and expense evaluations of each transportation mode were analyzed and demarcated.This model can be adapted to the conditions that the discrepancy between the cost time difference for transportation modes in an OD zone and the cost time difference from each part in a city to its entrances is not very great (about 1 to 3 times) and sedans,as main trip vehicles,have popularized.Finally,the feasibility of the model has been validated by taking the Shanghai-Hangzhou area as an example.
Key words:
- comprehensive transportation /
- intersectional traffic /
- route-mode /
- sharing rate
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