Research on Operation of Sunset-Departure and Sunrise-Arrival Trains on Dedicated Passenger Lines
摘要: 采用系统分析的方法对客运专线开行夕发朝至旅客列车与综合维修天窗的协同优化、组织形式和开行条件等问题进行了研究,分析了本线和跨线开行夕发朝至旅客列车的几种情况.计算得出了天窗时间分别为3,4和5 h时的开行距离范围和客运专线本线、跨线夕发朝至旅客列车的开行条件.Abstract: The cooperative optimization of comprehensive skylight and operation of sunsetdeparture and sunrise-arrival trains on dedicated passenger lines,the organizational forms and the operation conditions of sunset-departure and sunrise-arrival trains were investigated using the system method,and the modes of operating in-line and off-line sunset-departure and sunrise-arrival trains were analyzed.The range of operation distance under the comprehensive skylight time of 3, 4 and 5 h was respectively calculated,and the operation conditions of in-line and off-line sunset-departure and sunrise-arrival trains were obtained.
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