Application of Jar-M etric Principle for Solving Lexicographic OrderMultiobject andMultistage Decision Problem s
摘要: 建立了字典序多目标多阶段决策模型,并用嘉量原理解决字典序多目标多阶段决策问题.在字典序多目 标多阶段决策的赋嘉量有向图中,从任意出发点到终点的嘉量等于出发点经过中间状态的诸顶点到终点的嘉量 摹和.这个摹和与出发点之前、终点之后的状态无关.在计算过程中,将合取作为摹和,常义加法作为摹乘,则字 典序多目标多阶段决策问题的递推运算转换为多阶段的摹矩阵运算..
- 字典序多目标多阶段决策 /
- 嘉量原理 /
- 算法
Abstract: A lexicographic ordermultiobjectandmultistage decisionmodelwas derived. The principle and algorithm of Jar-metricwere applied to solving the problem. In a Jar-metric graph representing a lexicographic ordermultiobject andmultistage decision problem, a Jar valve from a starting node to a destination node is equal to a monoid sum from the starting node to the destination node, and the monoid sum is independentof the nodes before the starting one and those after the destination one. In the calculation, conjunction is taken as Jar summation, and ordinary summation is regarded asmonoid produc.t In this way, the recursive calculation for solving lexicographic order multiobject and multistage decision problem is transformed to amultistage Jarmatrix computation.
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