垃圾渗滤液处理的新思路 ———生物反应器填埋场技术的应用
New Idea on Treatment ofLeachate from Municipal SolidW astes —Application ofBioreactor LandfillTechnology
摘要: 针对垃圾渗滤液处理工艺复杂、费用高昂的难题,在对比分析传统填埋场与生物反应器填埋场渗滤液特 征的基础上,进行了不同的模拟填埋场试验.结果显示,模拟准好氧型生物反应器填埋场渗滤液的COD(化学需 氧量)和氨氮(NH3-N)浓度去除率可分别达到95%和98%以上,表明生物反应器填埋场本身具有强大的渗滤液 处理功能,充分发挥和利用这一功能可大大减轻渗滤液“末端”处理的巨大压力.研究为我国填埋场渗滤液处理 和污染控制提供了新的思路和途径.Abstract: To solve the problem of expensive cost and complicated process of treating leachate from municipal solid wastes, simulating landfill experiments were conducted based on analyzing the characteristics of leachate treated by containment landfills and bioreactor landfills. The results indicate that the elimination ratios of COD (chemical oxygen demand) and NH3-N in leachate from semi- aerobic bioreactor landfills reach up to 95% and 98% respectively. This shows a strong treatment function ofbioreactor landfills, and this function can be used to lighten the greatpressure of leachate treatmen.t The research provides a new idea and pathway for the treatment and pollution control of leachate from municipal solidwaste landfills.
Key words:
- leachate treatment /
- bioreactor landfill /
- simulation test

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