Research of Reflection Characteristics of Magnetic Boundary
摘要: 为了进一步研究磁性媒质天线罩的传输特性,对平面波在空气与磁性媒质边界上的反射特性进行了理 论探讨.通过改变磁性媒质参数,分析了边界上功率反射系数和反射系数相位与平面波入射角的关系,并讨论了 媒质磁性对功率反射系数和反射系数相位的影响.结果表明,当磁性媒质的相对复介电常数和相对复磁导率相 等时,通过空气与磁性媒质边界的平面波不存在退极化效应.Abstract: To provide a basis for the deep research of the transmission characteristic of magnetic radome, the reflection characteristics of an air-magnetic boundaryon a planarwavewith different incident angleswere investigated. By changing the parameters of magnetic media, the relationships between the reflection coefficient of power as well as the phase of reflection coefficient at the boundary and the incident angle was analyzed, and the effects of the magnetic property of media on the reflection coefficient and the phase were discussed. The research resultshows that a planarwave goingthrough amagnetic boundary does not produce the depolarization effect when the relative complex permittivity of the magnetic medium equals its relative complex permeability.

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