In orderto provide the basementof a further numerical analysis, the drained triaxial compression
creep tests with a constant stress were carried out for soils in the sliding zone of Xietan landslide in the
Three Gorges. Based on these tests, a shear stress-strain-time function, namely, Mesri s creep model, in
which a hyperbolic linewas adopted for describing the shear stress-strain behaviour and a power function for
the strain-time behaviour, was given. A modified Mesri s shear stress-strain-time model was proposed. In
this model, the strain-time behavior of the soilswas simulated by subsection. Through contrast of computed
curvesbased on the two models and test data, the result shows that the modified Mesri s model has an
advantage over the Mesri s model in the simulation capability for creep behaviours of clay.