Video Error Concealment Technique Based on Side Matching
摘要: 以边框匹配技术为基础,提出预掩盖处理、搜索掩盖算法.新算法首先对受损图像区域周围进行预掩盖 以期尽可能多地利用周边的有效信息来恢复受损运动向量,最后以估算出的运动补偿块为中心依照边框匹配准 则进行搜索,找出最佳运动向量.以JVT(Joint VideoTeam)测试模型JM(JointModal of JVT)1.4为平台的实验表明, 改进的掩盖算法在一定程度上能提高重建图像的峰值信噪比(PSNR)值,当与无等待ARQ算法相结合,能在不影 响解码器端图像正常回放的情况下,阻止差错的扩散,实现差错图像的完全恢复.Abstract: A newerror concealmentmethod using pre-concealment process (PREP) and search concealment (SC ) was proposed. This method uses surrounding motion vectors (MV) as many as possible by pre- processingadjacent MBs(Macroblock, MB), and then finds the best MV s by performing an additional search process. Simulation results based on JM1.4 CODEC of JVT (Joint Video Team) show that both PREP and SC significantly improve the reconstruction of video quality and much better results can be achieved by combining the newtechnique with no-waiting ARQ (NWARQ) technique.
Key words:
- image restoration /
- error concealment /
- video transmission /

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