• ISSN 0258-2724
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姚行友 胡成立 刘亚菲 郭彦利

姚行友, 胡成立, 刘亚菲, 郭彦利. 冷弯不等肢卷边角钢轴压试验及承载力设计方法[J]. 西南交通大学学报, 2025, 60(1): 93-102. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20230010
引用本文: 姚行友, 胡成立, 刘亚菲, 郭彦利. 冷弯不等肢卷边角钢轴压试验及承载力设计方法[J]. 西南交通大学学报, 2025, 60(1): 93-102. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20230010
YAO Xingyou, HU Chengli, LIU Yafei, GUO Yanli. Axial Compression Test and Bearing Capacity Design Method of Cold-Formed Steel with Unequal-Leg Lipped Angles[J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2025, 60(1): 93-102. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20230010
Citation: YAO Xingyou, HU Chengli, LIU Yafei, GUO Yanli. Axial Compression Test and Bearing Capacity Design Method of Cold-Formed Steel with Unequal-Leg Lipped Angles[J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2025, 60(1): 93-102. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20230010


doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20230010
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(51868049);江西省自然科学基金重点项目(20242BAB26074)


  • 中图分类号: TU392.1

Axial Compression Test and Bearing Capacity Design Method of Cold-Formed Steel with Unequal-Leg Lipped Angles

  • 摘要:

    为研究轴心受压冷弯薄壁不等肢卷边角钢屈曲性能和承载力设计方法,采用试验和有限元程序分析其屈曲性能和极限承载力,并基于直接强度法提出承载力设计建议方法. 首先,开展32根不同截面、长细比和宽厚比的冷弯薄壁不等肢卷边角钢轴压试验;随后,采用ABAQUS有限元软件对冷弯薄壁不等肢卷边角钢在不同宽厚比、肢宽比、长细比等条件下的屈曲性能和承载力进行参数化分析;最后,基于试验和有限元分析结果提出轴心受压冷弯薄壁不等肢卷边角钢构件承载力计算的修正直接强度法公式. 结果表明:宽厚比较小,试件易发生弯扭屈曲,宽厚比较大,试件易发生局部屈曲(或弯扭)和局部相关屈曲;构件极限承载力随长细比增大而降低,随着宽厚比的增大,承载力增长趋势逐渐减缓;提出的修正直接强度法计算轴心受压冷弯薄壁不等肢卷边角钢构件承载力的可靠度指标均值均大于3.2,建议方法准确且安全可靠.


  • 图 1  不等肢卷边角钢截面

    Figure 1.  Section of steel with unequal-leg lipped angles

    图 2  应力-应变曲线

    Figure 2.  Stress-strain curves

    图 3  纵向初始缺陷量测位置

    Figure 3.  Measuring locations of longitudinal initial defect

    图 4  试件初始缺陷

    Figure 4.  Initial defect of specimens

    图 5  试验装置

    Figure 5.  Test setup

    图 6  位移计布置

    Figure 6.  Layout of displacement meters

    图 7  长度为400 mm的角钢柱屈曲模式

    Figure 7.  Buckling mode of steel angle with length of 400 mm

    图 8  长度为900、1500 mm的角钢柱屈曲模式

    Figure 8.  Buckling mode of steel angle with lengths of 900 mm and 1 500 mm

    图 9  长度为2100 mm的角钢柱屈曲模式

    Figure 9.  Buckling mode of steel angle with length of 2 100 mm

    图 10  荷载-位移曲线

    Figure 10.  Load-displacement curves

    图 11  有限元分析模型

    Figure 11.  Finite element analysis model

    图 12  有限元分析一阶屈曲模态

    Figure 12.  First-order buckling mode of finite element analysis

    图 13  试验与有限元分析屈曲模式对比

    Figure 13.  Comparison of buckling modes between test and finite element analysis

    图 14  试验与有限元分析荷载-位移曲线对比

    Figure 14.  Comparison of load-displacement curves between test and finite element analysis

    图 15  极限承载力和长细比关系曲线

    Figure 15.  Relationship between ultimate bearing capacity and slenderness ratio

    图 16  试验和有限元分析角钢屈曲模式和承载力对比

    Figure 16.  Comparisons of buckling modes and bearing capacities of steel angles between test and finite element analysis

    表  1  试件名义几何尺寸

    Table  1.   Nominal geometric dimension of specimens

    试件编号 bl/mm b2/mm al/mm a2/mm t/mm b1/t b2/t
    LL4030 40 30 15 15 2 20 15
    LL6040 60 40 20 20 2 30 20
    LL9060 90 60 20 20 2 45 30
    LL12080 120 80 24 24 2 60 40
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    表  2  试件实测几何尺寸

    Table  2.   Measured geometric dimensions of specimens

    试件编号 bl/mm b2/mm al/mm a2/mm t/mm 长度 L/mm 长细比 λ
    LL4030-400-1 42.13 31.43 15.97 15.54 1.98 400.00 39.19
    LL4030-400-2 41.51 31.45 15.56 16.34 1.98 399.27 39.88
    LL4030-900-1 42.00 31.61 15.96 14.84 1.99 900.00 87.28
    LL4030-900-2 42.25 31.05 15.14 15.79 2.00 900.00 89.45
    LL4030-1500-1 41.98 31.48 15.99 15.28 1.97 1498.37 147.14
    LL4030-1500-2 41.93 31.42 15.93 15.95 2.00 1499.33 146.65
    LL4030-2100-1 42.07 31.32 15.60 15.96 1.98 2101.17 206.51
    LL4030-2100-2 42.20 31.59 15.52 15.66 1.98 2101.27 206.93
    LL6040-400-1 61.68 41.48 21.63 19.48 1.98 400.00 29.54
    LL6040-400-2 61.35 41.52 21.17 21.00 1.97 399.00 29.40
    LL6040-900-1 62.05 41.60 21.45 19.37 1.98 900.00 66.46
    LL6040-900-2 62.16 41.63 21.54 19.61 2.09 900.00 68.25
    LL6040-1500-1 62.10 41.64 21.06 20.48 1.99 1499.43 110.40
    LL6040-1500-2 61.80 41.76 21.35 20.98 2.07 1499.27 111.54
    LL6040-2100-1 62.24 41.37 21.32 19.86 1.91 2101.10 152.65
    LL6040-2100-2 61.44 41.91 20.92 20.47 1.98 2100.00 154.12
    LL9060-400-1 91.80 61.41 20.25 20.02 1.97 400.00 22.15
    LL9060-400-2 91.92 61.31 20.12 20.50 1.97 399.50 22.16
    LL9060-900-1 91.51 61.43 19.90 21.05 1.99 900.00 49.79
    LL9060-900-2 91.90 61.89 20.67 20.19 2.00 900.00 49.39
    LL9060-1500-1 91.50 62.59 20.51 20.88 2.00 1498.90 81.56
    LL9060-1500-2 91.43 62.42 21.08 19.88 1.97 1499.10 81.69
    LL9060-2100-1 92.07 61.52 20.99 19.69 1.98 2100.00 115.66
    LL9060-2100-2 91.60 61.94 21.83 21.01 2.00 2101.03 113.94
    LL12080-400-1 121.53 81.77 24.92 23.98 1.98 400.00 16.95
    LL12080-400-2 121.30 81.82 24.19 24.22 1.98 399.27 17.00
    LL12080-900-1 122.30 81.71 25.11 24.05 1.97 900.00 38.10
    LL12080-900-2 121.87 81.95 23.68 24.90 1.97 900.00 38.23
    LL12080-1500-1 121.97 82.20 24.71 24.17 2.00 1498.22 63.34
    LL12080-1500-2 122.48 81.87 24.95 24.70 1.97 1499.13 63.33
    LL12080-2100-1 122.79 81.89 23.76 24.03 1.98 2101.17 89.38
    LL12080-2100-2 121.04 82.24 24.71 24.49 1.97 2100.14 88.61
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    表  3  试验和有限元分析角钢屈曲模式和承载力对比

    Table  3.   Comparisons of buckling modes and bearing capacities of steel angles between test and finite element analysis

    试件编号 屈曲模式 ΔLmax/
    Pt/kN PFE/kN PD/kN PMD/kN PY/kN Pt/PY Pt/ PFE Pt/ PD Pt/PMD
    试验 有限元 一阶模态
    LL4030-400-1 FT FT F 0.49 0.28 79.66 83.17 83.77 74.38 72.51 1.0986 0.9578 0.9509 1.0710
    LL4030-400-2 FT FT F 0.41 0.34 79.38 82.66 83.67 73.51 73.41 1.0813 0.9603 0.9488 1.0799
    LL4030-900-1 FT FT F 1.30 0.83 50.68 53.93 56.47 50.71 27.68 1.8312 0.9397 0.8974 0.9995
    LL4030-900-2 FT FT F 1.54 0.77 52.72 54.70 56.90 50.97 27.97 1.8852 0.9638 0.9265 1.0342
    LL4030-1500-1 FT FT F 1.30 0.38 40.70 40.93 40.36 42.15 23.01 1.7689 0.9944 1.0085 0.9655
    LL4030-1500-2 FT FT F 1.14 0.17 40.98 41.52 41.89 43.75 23.88 1.7159 0.9869 0.9783 0.9366
    LL4030-2100-1 FT FT F 1.84 0.08 30.52 31.19 24.48 25.57 13.96 2.1867 0.9786 1.2467 1.1936
    LL4030-2100-2 FT FT F 1.10 0.09 29.26 31.35 24.50 25.59 13.97 2.0948 0.9335 1.2343 1.1434
    LL6040-400-1 L L L 0.67 0.46 103.70 105.82 102.94 95.81 119.12 0.8706 0.9800 1.0074 1.0824
    LL6040-400-2 L L L 0.75 0.31 102.46 105.26 105.33 96.41 121.73 0.8417 0.9734 0.9728 1.0628
    LL6040-900-1 FT FT F 1.08 0.63 83.69 85.39 94.17 76.27 52.34 1.5989 0.9800 0.9886 1.0973
    LL6040-900-2 FT FT F 1.17 0.74 83.62 84.70 98.45 80.28 54.25 1.5414 0.9872 0.9494 1.0416
    LL6040-1500-1 FT FT F 1.15 0.60 59.96 61.98 74.21 61.37 42.31 1.4172 0.9673 0.9480 0.9769
    LL6040-1500-2 FT FT F 1.42 0.43 60.82 63.31 78.23 64.30 44.60 1.3638 0.9607 0.9775 0.9459
    LL6040-2100-1 FT FT F 1.17 0.24 48.66 50.69 41.59 43.44 23.71 2.0519 0.9600 1.1699 1.1201
    LL6040-2100-2 FT FT F 1.42 1.08 49.94 50.96 42.99 44.90 24.51 2.0376 0.9800 1.1617 1.1122
    LL9060-400-1 L L L 0.99 0.35 126.76 129.35 104.56 124.03 153.51 0.8257 0.9800 1.2123 1.0220
    LL9060-400-2 L L L 0.57 0.57 125.71 129.60 106.03 124.39 155.32 0.8094 0.9700 1.1855 1.0106
    LL9060-900-1 FT + L FT + L L 1.12 0.71 94.42 96.00 108.68 101.84 68.10 1.3865 0.9835 0.9688 0.9271
    LL9060-900-2 FT + L FT + L L 1.02 0.92 95.60 97.20 107.99 102.07 67.07 1.4253 0.9835 0.9853 0.9366
    LL9060-1500-1 FT + L FT + L L 0.79 0.71 77.34 80.36 90.86 94.90 51.80 1.4929 0.9625 0.9512 0.8149
    LL9060-1500-2 FT + L FT + L L 0.88 0.83 77.04 78.87 85.54 89.34 48.77 1.5797 0.9768 0.9006 0.8623
    LL9060-2100-1 D D F 1.22 0.90 59.95 61.37 48.74 50.90 27.79 2.1574 0.9768 1.2300 1.1776
    LL9060-2100-2 D D F 1.08 0.77 61.51 63.42 54.77 57.20 31.22 1.9701 0.9700 1.2232 1.0754
    LL12080-400-1 L L L 0.59 0.22 147.54 150.67 117.71 146.76 224.28 0.6578 0.9792 1.2535 1.0053
    LL12080-400-2 L L L 0.58 0.14 146.78 150.41 117.29 146.49 223.06 0.6580 0.9759 1.2515 1.0020
    LL12080-900-1 FT + L FT + L L 1.20 0.56 136.59 138.37 117.55 118.57 105.70 1.2923 0.9872 1.1620 1.1520
    LL12080-900-2 FT + L FT + L L 1.52 1.11 131.36 138.86 118.35 118.60 106.10 1.2380 0.9460 1.1099 1.1075
    LL12080-1500-1 FT + L FT + L L 1.20 1.56 97.14 98.99 116.57 104.35 81.31 1.1948 0.9813 0.8334 0.9309
    LL12080-1500-2 FT + L FT + L L 1.52 1.11 98.56 98.19 116.67 102.58 83.41 1.1817 1.0038 0.8447 0.9608
    LL12080-2100-1 FT + L FT + L L 1.44 1.42 85.43 85.91 73.43 76.89 41.97 2.0354 0.9948 1.2634 1.1110
    LL12080-2100-2 FT + L FT + L L 1.45 1.54 85.82 86.48 76.31 80.96 44.19 1.9419 0.9926 1.2246 1.0600
    均值 1.4760 0.9741 1.1246 1.0318
    方差 0.2060 0.0002 0.0227 0.0077
    变异系数 0.1395 0.0002 0.0201 0.0074
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    表  4  冷弯薄壁型不等肢卷边角钢轴压构件可靠指标

    Table  4.   Reliability indexes of CFTWS with unequal-leg lipped angles under axial compression

    类型 ρ2 组合形式 ρ1=0.5 ρ1=1.0 ρ1=2.0 ρ1=3.0 可靠指标平均值
    办公楼 0 1.3G + 1.5L1 4.518 4.467 4.442 4.403 4.457
    0.5 1.3G + 0.9 × 1.5 (L1 + W 4.306 4.298 4.253 4.198 4.264
    1.0 1.3G + 0.9 × 1.5 (L1 + W 4.178 4.161 4.102 4.087 4.132
    2.0 1.3G + 0.9 × 1.5 (L1 + W 4.096 4.011 3.918 3.824 3.962
    3.0 1.3G + 0.9 × 1.5 (L1 + W 3.954 3.898 3.837 3.763 3.863
    4.0 1.3G + 0.9 × 1.5 (L1 + W 3.781 3.675 3.621 3.601 3.670
    住宅 0 1.3G + 1.5L2 4.924 4.869 4.841 4.799 4.858
    0.5 1.3G + 0.9 × 1.5 (L2 + W 4.693 4.684 4.635 4.575 4.647
    1.0 1.3G + 0.9 × 1.5 (L2 + W 4.554 4.535 4.471 4.454 4.503
    2.0 1.3G + 0.9 × 1.5 (L2 + W 4.464 4.372 4.270 4.168 4.318
    3.0 1.3G + 0.9 × 1.5 (L2 + W 4.309 4.248 4.182 4.101 4.210
    4.0 1.3G + 0.9 × 1.5 (L2 + W 4.121 4.005 3.947 3.925 3.999
      注:ρ1 为活荷载标准值与风荷载标准值之和与恒荷载标准值的比值,ρ2 为风荷载标准值与活荷载标准值的比值.
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