Research on Train Load Diagram of 400 km/h High-Speed Railway
为确定适合400 km/h高速铁路的荷载图式,参考《京沪高速铁路设计暂行规定》中确定0.8UIC荷载作为高速铁路列车荷载图式所使用的方法,以包络德国ICE列车、中国ZGS和中速列车的换算均布活载动效应为原则,提出将0.65UIC荷载作为400 km/h高速铁路列车荷载图式;然后,在时速400公里高速列车作用下,对24、32、40 m 3种跨度简支梁桥,基于车桥耦合振动分析方法得到车辆动力响应,在此基础上研究动力系数、竖向挠度、梁端竖向转角和轨面不平顺等现行规范指标在0.65UIC荷载条件下的适应性;最后,讨论采用0.65UIC荷载作为设计荷载时,离心力、牵引力和制动力限值对400 km/h高速铁路列车的适应性. 结果表明:在现行规范基础上,将0.65UIC荷载作为400 km/h高速铁路列车荷载图式进行桥梁设计是可行的,采用该荷载图式计算的桥梁设计指标限值和设计荷载限值较运营车辆与桥梁间的响应具有一定安全储备.
- 400 km/h高速铁路 /
- 列车荷载图式 /
- 车桥耦合 /
- 简支梁桥 /
- 参数适应性分析
Abstract:To formulate the train load diagram suitable for the high-speed railway with a speed of 400 km/h, based on the principle of uniformly distributed live load effect of German ICE train, Chinese ZGS and the medium-speed train, 0.65UIC load is proposed as the train load diagram of 400 km/h high-speed railway, referring to the method of determining 0.8UIC load as the train load diagram of high-speed railway in the
Provisional Regulations on the Design of Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway . Then, for 24 m, 32 m and 40 m span simply supported beam bridges, get the dynamic responses of the train under the action of 400 km/h high-speed train by means of train-bridge coupling vibration analysis method, and the adaptability of dynamic coefficient, vertical deflection, vertical angle of beam end and rail surface irregularity under 0.65UIC load is studied. Finally, the adaptability of the limits of centrifugal force, traction force and braking force to the 400 km/h high-speed railway train is discussed when the 0.65UIC load is used as the design load. The results show that, on the basis of the current code, the 0.65UIC load as the train load diagram of the 400 km/h high-speed railway can be applied to bridge design, and the bridge design index limit and design load limit calculated by this load pattern have a certain safety reserve compared with the response between the operating train and bridges. -
表 1 车辆悬挂系统参数
Table 1. Parameters of the train suspension system
悬挂系统 刚度/(kN·m−1) 阻尼/(kN·s·m−1) 纵向 横向 竖向 纵向 横向 竖向 一系 14000 6000 1280 — — 10 二系 9500 220 220 4900 40 20 -
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