• ISSN 0258-2724
  • CN 51-1277/U
  • EI Compendex
  • Scopus
  • Indexed by Core Journals of China, Chinese S&T Journal Citation Reports
  • Chinese S&T Journal Citation Reports
  • Chinese Science Citation Database
Volume 56 Issue 6
Dec.  2021
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Article Contents
LIU Zhiwei, LIU Jianrong, DENG Wei. Impact of Autonomous Vehicle on Travel Mode Choice Behavior[J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2021, 56(6): 1161-1168. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20200299
Citation: LIU Zhiwei, LIU Jianrong, DENG Wei. Impact of Autonomous Vehicle on Travel Mode Choice Behavior[J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2021, 56(6): 1161-1168. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20200299

Impact of Autonomous Vehicle on Travel Mode Choice Behavior

doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20200299
  • Received Date: 26 May 2020
  • Rev Recd Date: 14 Nov 2020
  • Available Online: 09 Sep 2021
  • Publish Date: 25 Dec 2020
  • Autonomous vehicles have an important influence on travel mode choices of travelers, which can affect urban traffic demand, urban spatial layout and urban planning. Based on the extended technology acceptance model and the heterogeneity of different travelers’ preferences, a random parameter Logit model (RPLM) with latent variables is established to study the impact of travel characteristics, psychological latent variables and individual socio-economic attributes on the travelers’ behavior of choosing autonomous vehicles. The results show that, RPLM has a better fitting degree than the traditional multiple Logit model. Different travelers have heterogeneous preferences for travel cost, and the travel cost follows a normal distribution in the utility function. Travelers’ choice behavior of autonomous vehicles is not only affected by travel characteristics and socioeconomic attributes, but also by psychological latent variables, such as perceived trust, social norms and behavioral intention. Reducing the travel cost of autonomous vehicle can significantly increase the probability that travelers choose autonomous vehicle.


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    通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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