• ISSN 0258-2724
  • CN 51-1277/U
  • EI Compendex
  • Scopus
  • Indexed by Core Journals of China, Chinese S&T Journal Citation Reports
  • Chinese S&T Journal Citation Reports
  • Chinese Science Citation Database
Volume 54 Issue 5
Oct.  2019
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Article Contents
ZHU Qing, CHEN Kaizheng, XIE Xiao, ZENG Haowei, ZHANG Yeting, REN Xiaochun. Site Selection Method of Booster Substations by Integrating Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process with 3D Geographic Information System[J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2019, 54(5): 980-988. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20170887
Citation: ZHU Qing, CHEN Kaizheng, XIE Xiao, ZENG Haowei, ZHANG Yeting, REN Xiaochun. Site Selection Method of Booster Substations by Integrating Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process with 3D Geographic Information System[J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2019, 54(5): 980-988. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20170887

Site Selection Method of Booster Substations by Integrating Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process with 3D Geographic Information System

doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20170887
  • Received Date: 11 Dec 2017
  • Rev Recd Date: 30 May 2018
  • Available Online: 21 Mar 2019
  • Publish Date: 01 Oct 2019
  • In order to overcome the limitations of the traditional selection method of booster substations on wind farms and realize an efficient and low-cost site selection of booster substations, feasibility analyses of candidate sites selected for booster substations are conducted in 3D geographic information system (GIS) based on fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. First, a hierarchical structure of the site selection of booster substations is defined from five aspects: construction cost, disaster index, location factor, obstacle area and adjacent resources. Then, a new siting evaluation model is established by integrating the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process with 3D GIS to realize the evaluation. The model input parameter are obtained by presetting the geometric primary selection rules, and finally the fuzzy evaluation matrix is solved to realize the automatic location selection of the boost substation. Comparing the experimental results of site selection of booster substations on wind farms built in different terrains shows that the calculation time is within 10 min using digital elevation model with 2 m resolution in the fan area. The optimal site score of plain is 0.957 8, which is better than that of the actual built site (0.941 2); the optimal site score of mountain is 0.743 5, which is also better than that of the actual built site (0.706 8). The results show that the method has high accuracy and universal applicability.


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