In this paper the technique characters, development and application of tilting trains abroad are
introduced in detail. By comparingwiththe transportation of aviation and highway, we knowthat it is urgent
to increase the running speed of trains, and to short travelling time of passengers in the development of
railway transportation. Many countries in the world have been developing railway systems of higher speed to
the end ofthis century. Butthe costofthe engineeringof higherspeed railway is veryhigh and the period of
its construction is long. In order to tap the latent power of the existing ordinary railway lines further, many
countries have been developing the techniques of tilting trains in the past two decades. Tilting trains are
gradually put into operation on the existing ordinary railway lines. It is obvious that the use of tilting trains
increases the capacities of transportation of the old railway lines and the running speeds much under the
existing conditions that are notto be changed. Therefore the development and application of tiltingtrains are
effective methods to increase the capacities oftransportation ofthe old railway lineswith less investments that
can be quickly returned.