Three preliminary schemes of theNanjingNo. 3 bridgewere investigate by considering the
nonlinearity of structures and the ultimate load-carrying capacity of components. They are the schemes
of steel cable-stayed bridgewith one tower and two poles, orwith two towers and one pole, orwith two
towers and two poles. And in the investigation, the superposition effects of deformations and stresses
during the construction were also included. The research was focused on the stability of structures
during the construction. The research resultshows thatelastic stability factors for the three schemes are
4. 9 to10. 2, and theirnonlinear stability factors are 2. 1 to7. 9, so theirelastic stability and nonlinear
stability are adequate in construction stage. At las,t their stability safety factors in a state of ultimate
load-carrying capacity during constructionwere appraised.