Dynamic cooperative advertising strategies in a supply chainwith a singlemanufacture and
an exclusive retailerwere studied. Themanufacture acts as the channel leader to design and implement
a dynamic advertising program to support advertising effort of the retailer to optimize his own and the
retailer s profi.t Theymaymake advertising expenditures on both shortand long term advertising. The
manufacture pays a certain costs of the retailer for advertising. Stackelberg differentialgamemodelwas
used to describe the strategiesof themanufacturerand the retailer. The stationary feedback Stackelberg
equilibrium was characterized using dynamic programming principle. The results show that the types of
advertising of the retailer supported by the manufacture are determined by the marginal profits of the
bothmembers. In the equilibrium advertising strategies, themanufacturerpaysmuch of its attention to
long term advertising to build brand goodwil,l while the retailer lays stress on short term advertising to
stimulate sales under the support of the manufacture. Cooperative advertising scheme is a coordinate
mechanism in a supply chain that induces the retailer to follow themanufacturer.