By taking the embankment, with a height of 104 m, of Jiuzhai-Huanglong airport as an
example, similar conditions of compressional creep tests simulating the high embankment using
filling material of sandy gravel were investigated. The research results show that the compressional
creep tests with rigid boundary conditions have favorable similarity with the large-scale high
embankment in a depression, and their stress states are very close to the same, but the amount of
settlement obtained from the compressional creep tests with rigid boundary conditions are less than
that of in-situ monitoring. Furthermore, the degree of initial compaction of the coarse grain filling
material controls its compressional characteristics. When the degree of initial compaction is 97.4%,
the process of compaction settlement shows a logarithmic characteristic, and when the degree of
initial compactio is above 98. 7%, the process of compaction settlement indicates a linear