Citation: | TIAN Wen, FANG Qin, ZHOU Xuefang, SONG Jinjin. Identification Method for Key Nodes in En-Route Network[J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2025, 60(1): 233-242. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20220532 |
Accurate identification of key nodes is of great significance for enhancing network resilience and improving operational capabilities. In order to improve the identification accuracy of key nodes in the en-route network, a comprehensive evaluation method based on the technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution (TOPSIS)-grey correlation analysis method and a node classification method for the en-route network were proposed. Firstly, an evaluation index system of key nodes in the en-route network was constructed from three perspectives: complex network characteristics, traffic volume, and vulnerability. Then, the relative entropy was introduced to improve the TOPSIS method, and the importance of en-route waypoints was comprehensively evaluated by combining this method with the grey correlation analysis method. The K-means clustering method was used to effectively divide the levels of en-route waypoints. Finally, key node identification was carried out based on the actual operation data of civil air traffic management. It finds that the results obtained by the constructed evaluation index system of key nodes in the en-route network are more comprehensive than the evaluation results of a single index. The improved TOPSIS-grey correlation analysis is more accurate than the traditional TOPSIS method. The proposed identification method finds that there are 29 key nodes in the typical busy en-route network in Eastern China, which play a key role in the network structure and traffic volume.
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