Citation: | YIN Zihong, ZENG Yi, WEI Honglin, YIN Zhi, GAO Jingjing. Time-Frequency Characteristics of Vibration Acceleration of High-Speed Railway Subgrade Under Ejection Impact Load[J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2023, 58(1): 219-226. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20211034 |
high-speed railway is characterized by fast operation speed and high smoothness, and has certain advantages when used as a platform for train launching. Its vibration acceleration can be used as a critical parameter to assess the structural damage in high-speed railway subgrade. Using the finite element analysis software ANSYS, a semi-infinite ballastless track-subgrade-foundation nonlinear coupling static analysis model is established by elastic-plastic theory and introducing the three-dimensional uniform viscoelastic artificial boundary with its boundary element. The modal shape and natural frequency of the model system are obtained by modal analysis, and then a dynamic analysis model is established. The dynamic model is verified by comparing with the beam-slab model on an elastic foundation. Based on the dynamic analysis model, the time-domain acceleration signals of each structural layer under ejection impact load are obtained. Finally, the acceleration signals are analyzed through EEMD-HHT transform. The results show that the peak instantaneous acceleration occurs at the time of sudden change of load, and the amplitude of acceleration is obtained at 0.17 s. The acceleration components of each structural layer are mainly distributed in the range of 0–20 Hz, and there are two prominent peaks at 2 Hz and 10 Hz, most concentrated in the vicinity of 2 Hz. The three structural layers including the self-compacting concrete layer, the pedestal plate and the subgrade surface layer almost do not absorb any vibration acceleration components, but the subgrade bottom layer and the zone below it have significant absorption. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the dynamic response of the subgrade surface layer and upper layers in the ultra-low frequency range of 0–20 Hz
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