Citation: | LIU Wei, LIU Tongtong, WANG Hui, LI Kunpeng, ZHANG Jian, SANG Guoyang, WU Tuojian. Dynamic Simulation of Load Process for Urban Rail Power Supply System Driven by Operation Diagram[J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2022, 57(5): 967-975. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.20200752 |
Load process simulation analysis based on the paving operation diagram for urban rail power supply system is significantly different from the actual load process, which cannot accurately reveal many issues in the operation stage of the power supply system. To improve the accuracy of the simulation model, with the train running time in operation diagram as constraints, the objective function with respect to the scheduled energy-saving train operation is established. The target velocity search algorithm with a fixed step is used to optimize the train control sequence and restore the electrical information of the operation diagram with multiple trains. Driven by the actual operation diagram, the load process simulation analysis of the power supply system is performed under normal and abnormal operations. The case study shows that the Pearson correlation coefficient between the simulation results from the actual-track operation diagram and the measured load process curve from traction substations is above 0.89, and the maximum error between the simulated and measured characteristic values in load process is not more than 6.85%, which can improve the accuracy of the simulation results by 12.91% in comparison to the tiled operation diagram.
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